On December 21, 2014, I turn 30 years old. As funny as it is, I’m not really nervous or scared of the big three-oh, honestly, I’m just ready for it. I did, however, enjoy the image to the right so included it. I’m sure my parents (and aunts, uncles and grandparents) are more nervous than I am, but hey that’s what they’re for! (I’ll link to the list here so you don’t have to read the ENTIRE post if you don’t want to.)
A few months ago I started seeing 30 before 30 lists everywhere. I didn’t put much thought into them until friends started turning 30 recently and then I wondered what would be on mine. So I decided with the last nine months of my 20s there were a few things that I want to do and this list developed. A couple of friends made suggestions and a lot on the list will require friends to complete. I’ve divided my 30 to-dos into five categories: physical, relaxing, reading and writing, cultural and miscellaneous.