
August Recap 2014

2014 08-31 Shakespeare & Co PresentsWhat an exhausting month! I’m still not sure where summer has gone and I’m seriously struggling to believe it’s September 1st! It probably doesn’t help that the weather here in Boston has been a bit of a shit-show recently: down in the 60s last week and in the 90s most of this week, no thank you. There were other crazy things going on that I’m not able to talk about now, but suffice to say it was a super busy month.

On top of the strangely mixed weather, I’ve done a lot of blogging and working to expand my bookish empire! Muwhaahaahaahaa! I released the mini episode of my podcast, Come Read With Me, to get it on iTunes and just yesterday released the first FULL length episode where I talked with my friend Caroline about From Russia with Love. On top of that I read The Grapes of Wrath as part of my 30 x 30 list and did a lot of cultural things too!

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July Recap 2014

2014 07-06 Beach Reading!In case you missed it I’ve surpassed FOUR years of blogging this month! I’ll include links at the end of this post to all four posts, but whoa—four years is a LONG time! Personal and work life have been busy/great and straining, in that order, and I think that’s where I’ll leave it 😉 I’ve unfortunately not made any progress on my 30 x 30 list, but oh well I’ve been too busy doing other things! I’ll definitely have to make an effort in August. (But I did get another Beach day in!)

Books and the Bookish
The most exciting thing to note is on Friday of my celebration week I announced a new podcast! And miraculously I was able to get the teaser/intro episode recorded, edited and on the website so I could start the slow process of getting it on to iTunes! (It doesn’t take that long, but why waste a first episode getting it on there when I can delay and create MORE fan-fare for the first episode—to the mortification of my friend Caroline :-D)

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CRWMPodcast, Updates

Four Years: Part 5 – Come Read With Me

The Oddness Moving BookcastAs I mentioned on Sunday, and have alluded to on numerous occasions over the past few months I’ve been planning something for quiet some time. For those of you that have followed The Oddness of Moving Things for a while, you might remember the Oddness Moving Bookcast I tried to do last August. If you don’t remember them, you can find them here and here. That’s the artwork over to the right.

I only made two episodes even though I’d drawn up plans for at least three or four, but what I didn’t realize was how difficult it was to fill 10-to-15 minutes on my own. Don’t get me wrong, I love talking to myself, but between having to talk to myself for 10-to-15 minutes and then listen to myself over and over while editing, needless to say I gave up pretty quick.

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Four Years: Part 4 – Keep Moving Forward

2014 04-27 Take it EasyWhen I envisioned writing this post I thought I’d have a grand plan for the year, but the more I’ve thought about it as the week progresses, the more I realized I don’t. And strangely enough, I’m okay with that. Plus the photo, I really want to kick back and relax in my blogging old-age 😀

I feel I’m to the point where I need to start stepping back a little bit from the blog. Not in any specific way, but I REALLY don’t want to lose touch with why I started the blog: to enjoy reading on a deeper level. As much as I love doing Culture Corners and Workout Wednesday’s I have a feeling they are slowly going to go the way of the Dodo. How is that phrase still so iconic today with much more prevalent species going extinct? Guess it is all in the name! But you never know, I do love to write about the museums and cultural things I do, and let’s face it I definitely need something to keep me accountable when it comes to working out and eating healthy!

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Four Years: Part 3 – Numbers, Numbers, Numbers!

Not Quite an InfographicI was really hoping to find an infographic template, but apparently all the templates you can download are Adobe Illustrator which I don’t know how to use 🙁 The photo to the right is what I was hoping to do, but nope no go. Maybe I’ll learn it by this time next year!

Instead you get a bunch of numbers in a not pretty post. I’ve broken it up into two different parts – stats from this past year and stats from since I started the blog. Some of them are guestimates, but a lot are facts found in the fun stats feature of WordPress. Basically you all rock! I would blog regardless of whether or not I had readers, but when I actually take the time to look at the stats I’m overwhelmed, so really all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you!

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