Culture Corner

Culture Corner – July 2014

2014 07-12 Hodges OverviewLast weekend I had an amazing weekend. I won’t go into details, it was sickeningly adorable, but suffice to say it was a great weekend. Thanks to my roommate I had two tickets to the ICA Boston that he got through work and gave to me and I finally found time to check it out again.

If you’re at all familiar with the blog, or with me, you’ll know I’m not usually impressed with the ICA. (You can read my rant about most museums here.) The building is architecturally fascinating, but the space usage leaves much to be desired. When you add in the super hipster and uppity staff (seriously, I get they love their jobs and more power to them, but you can love your job and interests without being obnoxious) and the over-staffing of the exhibits and the overpriced everything in their gift shop (really, who charges $2+ for postcards – no other museum I’ve ever been to). I even had a membership at one point, but after a couple of bad visits I cancelled it and I’m still glad I did, but this time I had a surprisingly pleasant visit.

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March 2014 Recap

2014 03-28 Copy Editor's DreamMarch both flew by and felt like it took forever. I’m not sure why, but it’s done and I can’t believe we’re moving on to April. Two of the weeks at work were SUPER busy with phonathon at work and a day-long conference this past Friday and finally getting my butt back into the gym this past week.

Two small book things made me happy this month, the first is the copy-edit miss to the right. I took a copy-editing course a few years ago and know how hard it is, but it still makes me happy when I find a mistake in a published novel! My all time favorite is still the Darby instead of Darcy in my copy of Pride and Prejudice, but this one was incredibly noticeable as it was the last line of a chapter.

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Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday – March 2014

2014 02-19 Can't Make it to the GymNot much has changed this month. I’ve unfortunately not been to CrossFit but am looking forward to getting back into it, just need this weather to cooperate so I can get my butt out of bed in the mornings! No seriously look at the alarms I’ve had to set recently, and that’s not even all of them OR a gym day! That’s to get up and go to work. Thankfully the days have already started to get longer and hopefully that’ll make it easier to sort out my life.

2014 02-24 My New Favorite DressingIn addition to my struggling to get out of bed in the mornings, my eating healthier has been sort of hit or miss which is a bummer. However, the week before last I found this AWESOME dressing and it made my salads once again wonderful. I’ve also determined that it’s okay not to eat a salad every day of every week. They were starting to get so dull and repetitive that it’s perfectly okay to take a week off periodically and have sandwiches or wraps! Just not every week.

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February 2014 Recap

The Monday of 2014 has come to an end. January and February are always the hardest months of the year, to me at least. Winter has dragged on for four months and the daylight, even though it’s incrementally getting longer, feels like it’s all been sapped from the world.

I mean look at it. Would you want to go out in that? Would you want to get out of your cozy warm bed to shower and then have to go out in that weather?!? It seriously makes exercising and going to work a chore and even makes interacting with friends a pain because no one loves it. But that is slowly coming to an end! The last weekend in February I was actually able to have my windows open and it was great! The temperature did proceed to drop down to 12ºF again, and we had a random snow shower on Thursday, but baby steps!

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Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday – February 2014

I’m finally ready for winter to be over. I’ll be incredibly sad to see the snow go and that there won’t be the beauty of the silent snow falling or even the cold (I do love it). The problem is I’ve definitely hit a low point. The short days and even the coldness in the morning are seriously starting to affect my ability to get out of bed, not to mention get out of bed and drag myself the half mile to CrossFit and back before 7AM! I mean the past two weeks I dropped down to one day a week, but somehow kept up at least two days a week running at the gym.

I’ve tried counteracting it by getting new SERIOUSLY BRIGHT work out gear (I needed it anyway), but that’s only given me temporary reprieves and I’m just ready to be outside again. What I really need to do is get a new pair of shoes as mine are almost stripped, it might be time to invest in a full price pair. I’m not sure how I feel about the new FitBit band, I love the brightness, but I definitely feel like it’s getting dirty very quickly.

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