ARC, Books

Book 967: Our Dreams at Dusk (Our Dreams at Dusk #1) – Yuhki Kamatani

I found this one on a list of manga to read after really enjoying My Love: Mix-up! along with I Hear the Sunspot. So when I saw my local library had a copy of this I put it on hold and grabbed it before our weekend away earlier this month.

At heart, Our Dreams at Dusk is a coming-of-age and coming-out story. Tasuku has moved to a new town and he’s been outed and has to come to terms with either being open about it or trying to continue to hide it. So this one is not as light and fluffy as many of the other BL Manga I’ve read.

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ARC, Books

Book 966: Theory of Happiness (I Hear the Sunspot #2) – Yuki Fumino

This book picks up a good while after I Hear the Sunspot, but mostly because Taichi and Kohei have been avoiding each other for stupid reasons. UGH, why do I love this crap so much?!

For me, the best part of this book is how much Kohei has grown and come to accept his hearing loss. He’s cut his hair shorter, no longer hiding his hearing aid, and is actively taking part in the hearing-impaired group on campus. He’s really grown and matured and for a good chunk of the book, we think he’s moved on from Taichi.

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ARC, Books

Book 963: I Hear the Sunspot (I Hear the Sunspot #1) – Yuki Fumino

I grabbed this from my local library before going on vacation because lately, I’ve been reading a lot of chapter-based manga works on WebComics. I wasn’t sure my internet would be good enough to read those so wanted a quick read between other books!

What I hadn’t planned on was for it to align so closely to the previous book, Art Therapy, featuring a character with a disability and I also didn’t plan on half reading a book further in this series (Limit Vol. 2) and having NO clue what was going on because the titles for this series just aren’t that great.

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Book 905: Heartstopper, Vol. 4 (Heartstopper #4) – Alice Oseman

I’m not sure I was ready for this one. I’d guessed it would overlap with what happened in Solitaire, but wasn’t 100% sure it would. I wasn’t sure how Oseman would handle it graphically, I think there were a couple of images in Solitaire, and she sort of glossed the particular scene probably because of this.

I really appreciated having Nick’s outside perspective on the situation as we know he’s been worried about Charlie for two books now and when it came to the point right when Charlie was going to tell Nick he loved him, Nick asks about the eating disorder and it throws both of them into confusion which was just so real.

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Book 904: Heartstopper, Vol. 3 (Heartstopper #3) – Alice Oseman

Wow, just wow. I honestly don’t know how I haven’t re-read this one before now.

Re-reading this a second time showed me how much Oseman packs into these books. Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 both had their powerful moments, but Vol. 3 takes it to a new level between Charlie and Nick, but also with their friends and even their teachers! And the fact Oseman does it with so little dialogue and just a shift in perspective shading in her artwork is fantastic.

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