
Book 966: Theory of Happiness (I Hear the Sunspot #2) – Yuki Fumino

Book cover of "Theory of Happiness" with Amazon Affiliates linkThis book picks up a good while after I Hear the Sunspot, but mostly because Taichi and Kohei have been avoiding each other for stupid reasons. UGH, why do I love this crap so much?!

For me, the best part of this book is how much Kohei has grown and come to accept his hearing loss. He’s cut his hair shorter, no longer hiding his hearing aid, and is actively taking part in the hearing-impaired group on campus. He’s really grown and matured and for a good chunk of the book, we think he’s moved on from Taichi.

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Book 963: I Hear the Sunspot (I Hear the Sunspot #1) – Yuki Fumino

Book cover of "I Hear the Sunspot" with Amazon Affiliate linkI grabbed this from my local library before going on vacation because lately, I’ve been reading a lot of chapter-based manga works on WebComics. I wasn’t sure my internet would be good enough to read those so wanted a quick read between other books!

What I hadn’t planned on was for it to align so closely to the previous book, Art Therapy, featuring a character with a disability and I also didn’t plan on half reading a book further in this series (Limit Vol. 2) and having NO clue what was going on because the titles for this series just aren’t that great.

Continue reading “Book 963: I Hear the Sunspot (I Hear the Sunspot #1) – Yuki Fumino”