
Book 966: Theory of Happiness (I Hear the Sunspot #2) – Yuki Fumino

Book cover of "Theory of Happiness" with Amazon Affiliates linkThis book picks up a good while after I Hear the Sunspot, but mostly because Taichi and Kohei have been avoiding each other for stupid reasons. UGH, why do I love this crap so much?!

For me, the best part of this book is how much Kohei has grown and come to accept his hearing loss. He’s cut his hair shorter, no longer hiding his hearing aid, and is actively taking part in the hearing-impaired group on campus. He’s really grown and matured and for a good chunk of the book, we think he’s moved on from Taichi.

Taichi has also grown and matured. He stumbles across what he wants to do with his life and ultimately drops out of school to pursue it and it is OMG adorable. It also answered a lot of questions that I have from accidentally starting to read the series in the middle 😀

We also meet Emma, the antagonist, who has issues with Kohei’s dependence on Taichi and Taichi’s lack of organization and training. She plays an important role and I hope one day becomes friends with Taichi, but for the most part, she’s there to amp up the drama and show Taichi how much he cares for Kohei when the jealousy kicks in.

We also get our second kiss of the series and I AM HERE. FOR. IT. The build-up was 100% worth it and the timing was perfectly done. There was so much tension and Taichi’s internal dialogue alongside Kohei’s trying to protect his heart just made the moment so much better than it would’ve been.

I honestly wasn’t sure I’d pick up the second one in the series after the first one being a bit of a mess, but knowing how little reading I’m going to get done over the next 1.5 years I’ll probably end up reading the full series because it gives me posts after relatively short reading time so I can keep this blog active.

Recommendation: I’m not sure where the series is going, but apparently I’m along for the ride. I hadn’t planned on continuing it but as long as I can’t read other stuff I’ll probably keep going sporadically to keep my book blog alive. The series and storyline are still a bit messy and unorganized, but there are definitely AWWW moments that keep me engaged.

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