ARC, Books

Book 824: Dream Bound (Tasier #1) – Arian Williams

Book cover of "Dream Bound" with Amazon Affiliate linkI had no idea what to expect when I decided to accept a copy of this one from Gay Romance Reviews.* I’ve tried to stay away from the super genre specific ones outside of MM romance, it just didn’t feel like it was my thing. But for some reason, this one just spoke to me.

This is the story of Joon, who has been stumbling through life not really able to make connections with other people and wondering what is wrong with him, and Trey, his soulmate who has all the memories of their dreams together that Joon can’t access.

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Book 805: The Prophets – Robert Jones, Jr.

Book cover of "The Prophets" with Amazon Affiliate linkThis was a stunning debut novel. Jones (re)created a world that draws you in and takes you on an emotional journey. There were so many side/back stories that I wanted to know so much more about! It’s amazing he got as much into the story as he did, I can’t fathom trying to cut back or reign in the story.

The real problem is my digital copy was due back before I finished typing up my response so I can’t actually use characters names for those side stories/back stories so I’m just going to have to gloss over them—booo.

Continue reading “Book 805: The Prophets – Robert Jones, Jr.”


Book 790: The God of Small Things – Arundhati Roy

Book cover of "The God of Small Things" with Amazon Affiliate linkOMG ya’ll, clearly, I should be judging the next Booker Prize. First Wolf Hall and now this, I get why they choose these beautiful books as winners. I’m only partially serious. I still think so many of the books are boring old stuffy books that are specifically chosen because of the inability of large swaths of the population to comprehend or appreciate them. So, boo on that.

All kidding aside, this was an incredibly beautifully written DEBUT novel. I was floored when I found that out. The way she wrote and the way time flowed eerily (and seamlessly) backward and forward in this novel it truly felt like a master class in novels. No wonder she won the prize—I’m definitely going to have to read her only other fictional work, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, at some point because everything else she’s written is nonfiction (what?!).

Continue reading “Book 790: The God of Small Things – Arundhati Roy”

ARC, Books

Book 778: The Mosquito – Timothy C. Winegard

Book cover of "The Mosquito" with Amazon Affiliate linkWell if I wasn’t already so jaded from having lived through the last nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’d be terrified mosquitos were coming to exterminate all of us!

I accepted this galley back in April when the pandemic was just really kicking off.* And then I promptly forgot about it for a few months, followed by avoiding it for even longer because it just didn’t feel right to read it with the way the world was going. I finally decided I needed to clear my galley backlog and this was the oldest so here we are. This particular quote caught me with all the rumors flying about where COVID-19 came from:

Zoonosis rates have tripled in the last ten years, and account for 75% of all human diseases. The goal of health researchers is to identify potential ‘spillover’ germs before they make a zoonotic jump to humans. (Ch. 18)

After reading this book, I feel like wherever coranavirus came from it was like “hey Mosquito, hold my beer,” and then it seriously underwhelmed when you look at the stats in this book!

Continue reading “Book 778: The Mosquito – Timothy C. Winegard”


Book 777: Ben’s Bakery and the Hanukkah Miracle – Penelope Peters

Book cover of "Ben's Bakery and the Hanukkah Miracle" with Amazon Affiliate linkIf you want to know how to piss me off when it comes to a book put the setting in Boston but don’t do your research and don’t have the book copy edited or proofread. That’s a guarantee to piss me off. This could’ve easily been a 4.5-star book because of the hilarious hockey kids trying to be matchmaker for their coach, but nope.

I apparently put this on hold when I was in the middle of my 12 Books of MM Holiday Romance binge, but forgot about it until I was notified on January 3 it was available. I went ahead and read it as I’m making my way through Timothy C. Winegard’s fascinating tome The Mosquito: A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator, because let’s face it as fascinating as it is, that book is dense as hell. Continue reading “Book 777: Ben’s Bakery and the Hanukkah Miracle – Penelope Peters”