Culture Corner

Culture Corner – August 2014

2014 08-08 Throwing Shade Live!I planned to start with the ridiculous movie theater I went to, but why not just go in order?

If you remember back in March I went to see a live taping of the podcast Welcome to Night Vale and how much fun I had, you’ll appreciate this. When I found out a few months ago one of my favorite podcasts, Throwing Shade, was coming to Boston I immediately bought tickets! The original plan was that Caroline, Hayley, a TBD friend and I would go. I mean it’s a comedy podcast dealing with politics and pop culture, of course it would be AMAZING.

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July Recap 2014

2014 07-06 Beach Reading!In case you missed it I’ve surpassed FOUR years of blogging this month! I’ll include links at the end of this post to all four posts, but whoa—four years is a LONG time! Personal and work life have been busy/great and straining, in that order, and I think that’s where I’ll leave it 😉 I’ve unfortunately not made any progress on my 30 x 30 list, but oh well I’ve been too busy doing other things! I’ll definitely have to make an effort in August. (But I did get another Beach day in!)

Books and the Bookish
The most exciting thing to note is on Friday of my celebration week I announced a new podcast! And miraculously I was able to get the teaser/intro episode recorded, edited and on the website so I could start the slow process of getting it on to iTunes! (It doesn’t take that long, but why waste a first episode getting it on there when I can delay and create MORE fan-fare for the first episode—to the mortification of my friend Caroline :-D)

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CRWM #00: Welcome!

Come Read With Me 6Welcome to MY world. This is the introductory episode of my new podcast, Come Read With Me. It’s a bit rambling and I can guarantee the three episodes I’ve already recorded (with other people) are much more entertaining!

As I say in the episode and as I said during my four-year blogoversery celebration, this episode is to primarily get the feed up and running on iTunes! I’ll let everyone know when that is live, but until then enjoy it. I hope you have as much fun listening as I’ve had recording the first few episodes. I of course have to give a special thanks to Caroline, Caitrin and Patrick for being the guinea pigs and Josh for the idea and encouragement. The theme music was provided by Hariel on YouTube who built an excellent rendition of Come Fly With Me in Garage Band! Let me know your thoughts and hopefully I’ll be able to eventually do remote discussions!

*Side note, the graphics are temporary and if you can do a better one that would be awesome! I struggled to get my idea across but in the end I liked what I chose even if it is super cheesy and simple.

CRWMPodcast, Updates

Four Years: Part 5 – Come Read With Me

The Oddness Moving BookcastAs I mentioned on Sunday, and have alluded to on numerous occasions over the past few months I’ve been planning something for quiet some time. For those of you that have followed The Oddness of Moving Things for a while, you might remember the Oddness Moving Bookcast I tried to do last August. If you don’t remember them, you can find them here and here. That’s the artwork over to the right.

I only made two episodes even though I’d drawn up plans for at least three or four, but what I didn’t realize was how difficult it was to fill 10-to-15 minutes on my own. Don’t get me wrong, I love talking to myself, but between having to talk to myself for 10-to-15 minutes and then listen to myself over and over while editing, needless to say I gave up pretty quick.

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30 x 30: #20 – See a comedian/comedy show live

2014 05-18 Road To OddballTonight I saw The Road 2 Oddball tour featuring Adam Cayton-Holland, Howard Kremer and Brody Stevens, right, in that order. Seeing comedy live is one of those things I enjoy when I do it and think “oh I should do that more often,” but then don’t. I think the last time I saw comedy live was in 2006 when I was visiting the great Helen Blowers in Newcastle and we went to a show which was epic.

I knew I would go to tonight’s show if given the opportunity as Howard Kremer is one of my top five podcasters and I’m obsessed with Who Charted. His odd sense of humor mixed with Kulap’s hilarity and the ever interesting engineers make it a great show, so I wanted to see his stand-up. Needless to say I wasn’t disappointed. I felt bad for my friend who went with me, when we left he was like “uh, not really my thing, but I got a couple of laughs out of it.” 🙁 To be completely fair there were some pretty big hits and misses from all three of the headliners, and the local who opened the show (Samaria Johnson) was pretty good.

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