30x30, Personal Project

30 x 30: #23 – Visit the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum

2014 06-23 deCordova Guide and PostcardThis was the first day of my “staycation” and with this morning’s visit to the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum I’ve done six things on my list and I’ve got two or three more coming this week so get ready!

If you’ve read this blog at all over the past four years, you’re well aware that I love art. What you might not be aware of is that sculpture is one of my favorite art forms. I’m not sure How I first heard about this park, but when I did I knew I wanted to get out to see it and it was such a neat day trip, I will definitely go back out in the near future. I took advantage of my local library’s museum passes and only had to pay $5 instead of $14!

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Book 286: Endymion (Hyperion Cantos #3) – Dan Simmons

If I’m completely honest, I expected this book to fail miserably. After the feeling of utter astonishment at the brilliance of the first two novels in the Hyperion Cantos, how could the follow-up novels remotely compare?

Thankfully, this first one was excellent. Simmons solved part of the problem by fast forwarding almost 300 years into the even further future and starting from there. As with the first two novels, Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion, this novel is told from someone who is simultaneously outside (looking back) and inside of the story, essentially revolving around them. The novel’s opening definitely put me on guard and I was very worried that I wouldn’t see any of the characters from the previous novels, but we already knew the technology existed to extend life well beyond a normal lifespan and thankfully some came back!

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Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday – June 2014

NYC WalkingThis is just a quick post, mostly because I’m sure everyone is tired of hearing about NYC. Don’t worry, there’s only one post left after this which will be all art all the time!

I’m finally getting back into the swing of CrossFit and have been to at least one session every week for the past three weeks. My trip to NYC affected this, but I will go on Friday! Thankfully I walked a lot, as in upwards of 30,000 steps a day, while in NYC, photo to the right from my FitBit, but I need to get back into CrossFit and start seriously training with running again.

I think I’m to the point where I can run and CrossFit at the same time, but the last time I tried it I was so tired that week I just felt horrid. The major hurdle coming up is that it’s getting hot enough in the afternoons that I will be forced to run early in the morning (more 5AM days) or later in the evening. Ugh. But I won’t slide backwards!

30x30, Personal Project

30 x 30: #26 – Spend a weekend in NYC w/ Tara

2014 06-13 Oh Hey Chrysler BuildingAfter a long and exhausting, but fantastically wonderful weekend in New York City with Tara I am now done with 20% of my list! I did so much that this is only going to be a basic overview of what we did with a few amazing pictures and then when I do my Culture Corner post for this month you’ll get the rest of it!

Tara and I have known each other since second year of undergrad, where she knew me as chlorine boy (I came directly from swim instructor training) and I knew her as one of the other two sophomores in an upper level random history class! She’s been in New York for almost four years and I haven’t been down to see her yet even though she’s been up to Boston twice to see me. So when I started making my 30 x 30 list I knew NYC and a Tara visit would be included, especially as she is moving to Portland, OR at the end of the summer.

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Meme, The Classics Club

The Classics Club – June 2014 Meme

Classics ClubFor June the hosts of The Classics Club have asked members to

“Think of an example of a classic you’ve read that presents issues like racism/sexism as acceptable within society. Do you think the reception of this classic work would be the same if it were newly published today? What can we get out of this work despite its weaknesses? Or, why would you say this work is still respected, treasured or remembered in 2014?

And I’m not going to answer it. Go read any of my other meme answers, they answer this question, and will continue to answer it over and over.

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