
Book 244: Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2) – Suzanne Collins

As with my recent re-read of The Hunger Games and going back to re-read my original review of Catching Fire back in 2010, I realized how much my blog has changed over the past three years. (I’ve also realized how poorly proofed my old posts are. Seriously go back and read some of them and laugh at my horrible editing! I used ‘one’ instead of ‘won’ and have ‘wont” instead of ‘won’t’ at one point. As I said in that review, DON’T READ PAST THIS POINT IF YOU DON’T WANT ANYTHING RUINED.

If one of the novels had more potential than any of the others, this is it and this is most evident in the way the writers were able to create an AMAZING film out of a mediocre book. And as with the book itself I wished the movie would’ve spent more time in the arena itself rather than on the outside of the arena, but both the book and movie did have to set up the third book.

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Book 243: The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) – Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games Trilogy was one of the first books I reviewed when I started The Oddness of Moving Things and it was the first book recommended through my suggest a book page. I of course re-read this series with all of the hype surrounding the release of Catching Fire and I’m very glad I did. I blew through the trilogy in just over 72 hours (so similar to lat time).

What is most interesting looking back at my original review from 2010 is how much my reviews/responses have changed. It seems like in 2010 I was more interested in providing a recap of the books rather than a response to the books. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it and honestly I’m sure it was exactly what I needed (something to organize my thoughts and keep me going while looking for a job), but it’s funny naturally things have changed to a regurgitation/thought explosion of my thoughts on a book, or series, or more often than not some random comment on Goodreads or Amazon that ticked me off.

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Culture Corner

Culture Corner – September 2013

Things have been a little crazy for me. Work has picked back up exponentially so I’ve been really busy and not able to dedicate as much time to my blog as I want. Thankfully I’ve had time on the weekends to pre-populate book posts, but my other fun asides have been severely limited. So much so that this post is a cop-out. I quick snapped a photo of a cool public artwork where I catch the bus home most days.

It randomly appeared a few weeks ago and it just made me laugh. It’s not the first public sculpture in the Somerville area, I’ll try to get more photos on one of my next walks.

On a different note, I’ve had to put my podcast on hold until at least after winter. I enjoyed the first two and actually have  plans for the next 3-4 podcasts, but I just don’t have the extra time to put into it with how busy things are. I’m hoping to pick it back up again after the holidays, but this might be a permanent hiatus or just until the summer when things get really slow at work.

Culture Corner

Culture Corner – August 2013

In case you missed it I published my first podcast this month, so I’m sure you won’t be surprised to find out that this month’s Culture Corner is about podcasts. Having published my first podcast and recently becoming obsessed with more podcasts (I need something to listen to while walking 89.99 miles in a month), I thought I’d talk about the ones I’m enjoying because after all they are cultural right?

The Oddness Moving BookcastI published the first episode of The Oddness Moving Bookcast this past Sunday!  And then Monday afternoon they approved it and it appeared on iTunes (you can click and see it without it trying to open iTunes). So you should go and subscribe on iTunes, or just keep an eye on this site and posts will be published. I already have ideas for the next few in my back pocket and can’t wait to start recording them! I’m still convinced I sound slightly crazed, but the feedback I’ve gotten so far is that I don’t sound too crazy, just passionate. I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold the crazy in with some of the more tetchy subjects that are upcoming. If you’ve followed this blog for a while now you might remember my gushy Austen fan-boy love letter instead of a Pride and Prejudice review back in January.

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Oddness Moving Bookcast Episode 1

The Oddness Moving BookcastSo if you see this you’ve either got me RSS fed or get the email. Right now I’m just playing around with this idea, but I think I’m going to start a podcast of some sort which allows me to expand on things that I write on this blog. I’ve already got a few ideas for follow-up podcasts, but this first one is just an attempt at figuring out if I can actually do the technological aspect of it.  Don’t judge too harshly 🙂 I recorded this during my long weekend this weekend and I even made the little image myself which went a lot easier when I realized I was in Photoshop (which I don’t know how to use very well) and not InDesign (which I do now how to use relatively well).