ARC, Books

Book 293: The Antiquarian (Enrique Alonso #1) – Julián Sánchez

I stumbled across Sánchez’s work on NetGalley when I requested The Art Restorer, reviewed later this week. The publisher was incredibly accommodating and provided a galley of this for me to review as well! (Damn me and my completion-ist tendencies!) I received no compensation in return for my honest response to the novel.

Although it started off a bit slow, maybe as a result of the translation?, I quickly fell into the book and ended up loving it! The closest thing I can find to compare it to is Dan Brown’s Robert Langdon series (I’ve reviewed the two most recent The Lost Symbol and Inferno)! I won’t spend too much time comparing the two works/authors, because I want to give Sánchez his due, but suffice to say this novel (and what I’ve read of The Art Restorer) are SO much better.

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May Recap 2014

2014 05-30 Reunioni DUCK TOUR!May is always one of the busiest months at work. Between graduation and reunion, it’s just non-stop, but thankfully we’re moving into the quiet months of the summer and I’ll hopefully be able to catch up on blogging and other personal projects!

The major plus side of my job and reunion is I get to do fun things like go on a duck tour, to the right, visit museums and hang out—with alumni at restaurants around the city where they force you to eat food and hang out far longer than you need to, but it’s completely worth it! Add in that we had an awesome turn out for the young alumni event and I’m a happy camper. Now we’ll spend the summer planning our two big events in the fall and then we’ll keep moving forward!

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ARC, Books

Book 281: Poster Boy (Theta Alpha Gamma #5) – Anne Tenino

I think this is by far my favorite of the Theta Alpha Gamma series by Anne Tenino and it’s definitely one of the best written of the series. I of course requested a copy from the publisher, Riptide Publishing as soon as I found out there was a new release in the series. It didn’t hurt that the cover had the cutest of all the guys in the series so far. Prepare yourself, a Goodreads observation/rant is about to follow, if you want to just read about the book and not my thoughts on female M/M romance writers and readers skip the next two paragraphs.

When I put in my star rating on Goodreads, I noticed that the overwhelming majority of the first page were female readers. I decided to look at the first 100, but there were only 60 written reviews, which I ignored for their general idiocy, and of those 52 of them were female. This really isn’t that shocking, as I’ve mentioned it before and I remember reading about it while studying for my Gender Studies degree, but I’m starting to find it really interesting which ones I like and which ones the female readers like. It’s almost always opposite and I’m not sure what that says about me, the females or about the writer.

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ARC, Books

Book 279: It’s Complicated (Tucker Springs #7) – L. A. Witt

I love it when authors start to stretch their writing muscles and it works out well for them. I’ve read quite a four books by Witt at this point, all within this series, and each one feels better written and more fleshed out which is GREAT! And as with After the Fall Witt keeps this series going wonderfully. I once again received a copy of this book from Riptide Publishing (Thanks!) and received no compensation in response for my honest opinion, so read on!

I’ll get the minor negative out-of-the-way first and then go on to gushing about the greatness of the book. The only problem I had with It’s Complicated was that I struggled because Witt’s writing convinced me multiple times that this was a sequel to another story, that I should’ve known Brad and Jeff’s story.

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ARC, Books

Book 275: Love Comes Home (Senses #3) – Andrew Grey

Welcome to my first ever participatory post in a blog tour 😀 I wasn’t really sure what that entailed, but once I found out it wasn’t far outside of my normal posts (with the addition of a few links at the bottom), I figured why not!

I requested a copy of this novel from the Dreamspinner Press and within the first 50 pages I knew I wanted to find out more about Andrew Grey. When I looked into him, I found out this was the third in the series! I immediately reached out to his publicist to see if I could get access to the first two and they kindly obliged. Last week you will, hopefully, have seen my reviews of Love Comes Silently and Love Comes in Darkness and I am glad to say Love Comes Home did NOT disappoint. I will say, as usual, take my review, and all of the others on Goodreads with a grain of salt. I unfortunately made the mistake of checking a few out and got frustrated as usual. This is my honest opinion and I received no compensation for it.

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