
Book 904: Heartstopper, Vol. 3 (Heartstopper #3) – Alice Oseman

Wow, just wow. I honestly don’t know how I haven’t re-read this one before now.

Re-reading this a second time showed me how much Oseman packs into these books. Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 both had their powerful moments, but Vol. 3 takes it to a new level between Charlie and Nick, but also with their friends and even their teachers! And the fact Oseman does it with so little dialogue and just a shift in perspective shading in her artwork is fantastic.

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Book 903: Heartstopper, Vol. 2 (Heartstopper #2) – Alice Oseman

As soon as I finished Vol. 1, I immediately dove into Vol. 2! How could I not with a cliffhanger like that!? And I even knew what happened, but I couldn’t just leave it at that.

Seriously though, when Nick shows up in the pouring rain and Charlie just starts apologizing profusely because he thinks it’s his fault and it’s not and then . . . O . . . M . . . G . . . ALL THE FEELS.

I like that this book gives us a lot more of Nick’s thoughts and perspective. Vol. 1, really is Charlie’s book and his getting to know Nick and finding a friend who likes him for who he is and is willing to sacrifice things to be his friends. And Vol. 2 we see something similar where Charlie and Nick both have to start navigating the minefield that is their friendship and budding relationship.

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Book 902: Heartstopper, Vol. 1 (Heartstopper #1) – Alice Oseman

I decided with the release of the fourth volume in physical form this year to go back and re-read the series again. I probably should’ve waited until Volume 5, but oh well I didn’t.

Reading this again was like visiting an old friend. Oseman’s illustration style is so whimsical and she does so much with just a couple of blush lines on Charlie and Nick’s faces. I like how she plays with perspectives and as their relationship evolves so does the way she draws them because they’ve relaxed and started to show each other who they really are without fear or judgment.

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Book 900: Wuthering Heights – Emily Brontë

What a difference eight-ish years makes between reads. I last read this in November 2013 and had some interesting comparisons to Pride and Prejudice and observations about my own love life.

I’m not planning to reflect on that this time, for a couple of reasons, mainly that this read I really felt that perhaps the better Austen comparison is Fanny Price in Austen’s Mansfield Park rather than Darcy. I mean the whole nature versus nurture argument and how responsible are they for what happens and how much of an impact does their upbringing have? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS (and thoughts).

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Book 810: Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf

This is the third time I’ve read this. I read it first in high school in my teens and HATED it. #obvi

I then read it in my early twenties in an intro to LGBT Literature course and tolerated it. The discussion was the most fascinating part and had a lot more to do with Woolf and her life than the novel itself, although there are plenty of scribbles I have in my copy about the story.

And now in my mid-30s, I won’t say I love it, but I definitely have a new appreciation for Woolf’s mastery of the craft as I re-read it. Some of the notes I scribbled reading it in undergrad definitely helped draw my attention to things and I picked up on a few more that I missed. And this is noting that my timing to read it was 100% wrong. This is NOT a pool book, I definitely fell asleep and got a slight sunburn because it’s a slow-paced dense book.

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