
Book 903: Heartstopper, Vol. 2 (Heartstopper #2) – Alice Oseman

Book cover of "Hearstopper, Vol. 2" with Amazon Affiliate linkAs soon as I finished Vol. 1, I immediately dove into Vol. 2! How could I not with a cliffhanger like that!? And I even knew what happened, but I couldn’t just leave it at that.

Seriously though, when Nick shows up in the pouring rain and Charlie just starts apologizing profusely because he thinks it’s his fault and it’s not and then . . . O . . . M . . . G . . . ALL THE FEELS.

I like that this book gives us a lot more of Nick’s thoughts and perspective. Vol. 1, really is Charlie’s book and his getting to know Nick and finding a friend who likes him for who he is and is willing to sacrifice things to be his friends. And Vol. 2 we see something similar where Charlie and Nick both have to start navigating the minefield that is their friendship and budding relationship.

My favorite part of Vol. 2 is getting to meet Charlie’s friends and how much they love and respect him and want to make sure he’s okay and protected and that Nick’s not just pulling him along in some elaborate joke. Seriously though, Tao’s fierceness and Aled’s steadiness are the type of friends Charlie needs in his life (in addition to Nick of course).

We also see how wrong most of Nick’s friends are for him in yet another confrontation, this time leaving Nick with a black eye, but ultimately waking him up to how much he loves Charlie and would choose him over those idiots any day. It also leads to his first coming out and it’s just so wonderful and heart-warming and the scene just makes me smile and tear up a little bit every single time. The way Nick wears his hoodie with the hood up and doesn’t meet his mom’s eyes, but she makes him and gives him a big ol’ hug, it’s just perfectly written.

There are other little details, like Nick getting his haircut this time around and Tara and Darcy’s story is included, to the time when Nick leaves the house and Charlie runs out and looks both ways before kissing him because he forgot it. Oseman just adds so many wonderful little touches that every time I read it I find something new and fun to look at or experience.

Recommendation: Definitely a read and re-read again for me. I really like how Oseman handled Nick’s first steps into coming out in this book and how she has Charlie growing in his skin after the horrible experiences of Vol. 1. Their friend group continues to expand and their families are there for them as they grow up and grow together. Seriously, just a wholesome, clean, sweet, wonderful, swoon-worthy romance.

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