
Book 895: The Schoolmaster’s Spy (Winsford Green #3) – Ruby Moone

In the third installment of Ruby Moone’s Winsford Green series, we once again find ourselves connected to the storyline from the first book, Dances Long Forgotten. This time the connection is through Cross, one of the protagonists, and his work as basically a spy during the Napoleonic wars.

This book took more of a turn than the last book, not in who was written about, but in that this definitely became a MM Romance mystery-spy-thriller-whodunnit versus the strict romance of the previous two.

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Book 875: Souls Aligned (Tasier #2) – Arian Williams

What a dangerous opening line! For some reason when I said yes to this book, I mean I did read the first one after all, I didn’t realize a chunk of it would be taking place in Boston.*

It’s always a gamble with me when it’s in a town I’ve lived in or have been to frequently. Thankfully, Williams didn’t disappoint, but that’s because she kept everything super vague and general, which I’d rather an author do than screw up something everyone who’s been in the city for more than an hour knows.

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Book 859: Subtle Blood (The Will Darling Adventures #3) – K.J. Charles

Now THIS is how you end a series! Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want it to end, especially after reading Charles’ short story “To Trust Man on His Oath” that takes place between this and The Sugared Game. The short story provided Will and Kim the much-needed space to discuss who they are separately and who they think they want to be together.

And, thankfully, I’ll get to visit with Will and Kim one last time when I finally Charles’ short story/epilogue “How Goes the World”. I just need to read Proper English and Think of England first which share a world with The Will Darling Adventures! (Oh no, more books to read :-D)

Continue reading “Book 859: Subtle Blood (The Will Darling Adventures #3) – K.J. Charles”


Book 854: The Sugared Game (The Will Darling Adventures #2) – K.J. Charles

After thoroughly enjoying Slippery Creatures, I immediately requested the next one in the series from the library and got it faster than expected! I wasn’t really sure where Charles would take the series, and I’m even less sure having finished this one. Wherever it goes I am ready to be part of the journey!

Picking up a couple months after Slippery Creatures, we once again find Will, WWI veteran and bookseller now with his inheritance, and Kim, aristocratic untrustworthy agent-of-some-sort, thrust together at the mercy of the cult-like Zodiac. This time, it’s both more and less straight forward because at least we know Zodiac exists.

Continue reading “Book 854: The Sugared Game (The Will Darling Adventures #2) – K.J. Charles”


Book 850: Slippery Creatures (The Will Darling Adventures #1) – K.J. Charles

I legit have no clue how this one ended up on my hold’s shelf at my local library. It could’ve been the cover (love it), it could be the description – “MM Romance in the style of Pulp Fiction”, or maybe it was the setting of the bookstore, or maybe the author since I have read something by her previously. Whatever it was, after having extended the hold time twice I finally worked it into my schedule.

I didn’t plan to read it in one sitting, but I got sick and couldn’t sleep so started reading it and just kept going. Next thing I knew I was finished and grinning like a fool.

Continue reading “Book 850: Slippery Creatures (The Will Darling Adventures #1) – K.J. Charles”