
Book 632: My Brother’s Husband, Volume 2 – Gengoroh Tagame

My Brother’s Husband, Volume 2, if possible, is even more perfect than Volume 1. We pick up with the story where Yatchi is continuing to digest what it must be like for LGBTQ+ individuals to come out and not be accepted. He’s internalizing everything and applying it to his own relationship with his daughter.

As Yatchi is doing he comes to the realization that he may not have fully accepted his twin’s sexuality. He finally acknowledges that they grew apart and that it wasn’t Ryoji’s growing distant and physically moving to Canada, but that he became distant with his twin as soon as he came out.

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Book 631: My Brother’s Husband, Volume 1 – Gengoroh Tagame

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this one with my only previous interaction with Gengoroh Tagame being through the book Massive: Gay Erotic Manga and the Men Who Make It. Was this going to be a super hot and heavy x-rated story? Was it going to be all about bulges and beefcakes? I mean look at the cover Yaichi and Mike are stacked.

I would’ve read it either way after some of the other super intense definitely x-rated manga I’ve read over the past few years. I was pleasantly surprised that this story is designed less for the erotica fans of Gengoroh Tagame, than for the general population that might like manga but might not understand LGBTQ+ individuals or even be homophobic (which I would’ve known if I read the blurb).

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Book 630: Kade & Cameron (Something About Him #6) – A.D. Ellis

And I’m done. I actually read part of the acknowledgments, but only to confirm that Ellis does use beta readers and apparently has an editor/reading group, but I’m still suspicious. She also thanks someone for creating the covers for her and I’m still in awe that she loves them. I know you’re not supposed to judge, but they’re just bad.

95% sure it wasn’t worth the hate read, but at least it got me through them and I don’t feel like I wasted money on them. I just have to keep even more vigilant about self-published works, especially on Amazon.

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Book 629: Ryker & Gavin (Something About Him #5) – A.D. Ellis

I think this is the one I hate-read the most. I say this because apart from the opening and closing lines, I only highlighted two lines/passages and one of those was because of its reappearance after an absence, but I’ll get to that.

Ryker’s mom kicks him out when he comes out. She gets a gay bff and then tries to reconcile with Ryker. Gavin is the gay bff who happened to be balls deep in Gavin a few days before said reconciliation. They decide to give it a go, don’t tell mom/bff, and shit hits the fan. Oh yeah and there’s a 14 year age difference that is a “big deal”.

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Book 628: Braeton & Drew (Something About Him #4) – A.D. Ellis

Ugh, these reviews are going to get super short. I’m hate reading the rest of the series since I paid for them and there are some (but very few) parts that are enjoyable. I continue to wonder whether Ellis has ever met had a conversation with a gay man or if this is all just her imagination.

The biggest problem with this book is that Braeton, first introduced in Bryan & Jase, is nothing like his character in that book. I mean sure he dresses the same and is flamboyant, but he comes across as a total ass in the first part of this book. He never came across as an ass in that first one.

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