By no actual planning on my part I’m posting this on the release date of The Names We Take, which never happens. To be completely honest, the publisher sent this to me months ago and I just now got around to reading it, but hey things work out for a reason.* I liked the idea of the publisher, Ooligan Press, which is a student run press at Portland State University that concentrates on Pacific Northwest Writers and because the blurb was interesting and they’d clearly spent some time perusing my blog I accepted the galley.
Book 702: Out of the Shadows – K.C. Wells
Does it matter why I grabbed this one? We’re firmly in double digit territory and rapidly approaching dozens in this random MM romance wormhole.
Wells wrote a couple of books I thoroughly enjoyed (The Senator’s Secret and My Fair Brady) and decent enough one (Under the Covers) and this was the final one on Hoopla by her, so I just grabbed it to read. When I got it, I didn’t realize it was set in Boston and when I did realize that, it gave me a lot of anxiety because a book set in your locale is very hit or miss when it comes to physical locations and I’m still bitter about Quietus. UGH.
Continue reading “Book 702: Out of the Shadows – K.C. Wells”
Book 701: Staggered Cove Station – Elle Brownlee
Well my question about whether it’s the author, Elle Brownlee, that made Two for Trust so special or something else was answered very quickly when I started this.
Unfortunately, it is not the author, so the mystery remains. I’ve narrowed a few things down that I’ll get to eventually, but I’m still baffled at my obsession with Two for Trust. I’ll try another Brownlee novel later, I think there are more, but honestly I’m not sure anything will live up to Two for Trust.
Continue reading “Book 701: Staggered Cove Station – Elle Brownlee”
Book 699 & 700: Two for Trust – Elle Brownlee
[I also read this again in February of 2023 and again in October of 2024.]
Holy. Hell.
Apparently, this is the MM Romance novel I’ve been looking for. I had no idea it was what I needed until I read it, and then immediately turned around and re-read it again. I am not joking about this—I finished it in bed one night and then halfway through the next day I started it again and finished it in bed that night.
I mean, this isn’t even that wonderfully written. There’s nothing really wrong with the writing, but there are no surprises, the crises is laughable (miscommunication obviously), and the whole Cinderfella story line is standard AF. But OMG I want it all and I want it again. What is actually wrong with me? I am 100% debating a third re-read, but that’s just ridiculous right?
Continue reading “Book 699 & 700: Two for Trust – Elle Brownlee”
Book 697: Under the Covers – K.C. Wells
I’m not sure how I haven’t gotten tired of these yet—I usually have by the third or fourth book—whatever it is I’m blaming coronavirus and the brain stupor. (I mean I’m not complaining I’m loving these, this is just an observation.)
After finishing a review copy I’d held on for longer than I should, I grabbed a few more of these from my local library (thanks Hoopla). I stuck with books by K.C. Wells because I enjoyed the others I read by her (My Fair Brady and The Senator’s Secret) and then grabbed a couple toward the top of the list when I sorted by “most popular.”