
Book 908: Sink or Swim (Shore Leave #2) – Annabeth Albert

Book cover of "Sink or Swim" with Amazon Affiliate linkYessssssss . . . I’m so glad Calder got his book and that I was able to snag a review copy from NetGalley as soon as it was listed. I’ve been sitting on it FOR MONTHS—do you know how hard that is when it comes to an Annabeth Albert book!? I had to force myself to read soooooo many other books so I wouldn’t push my response out too soon!!!!

Sink or Swim is a low-conflict simmering romance and Albert brings her character-driven humor to the story just like she does to all of her other works. Calder is Arthur’s (from Sailor Proof) older brother who happens to be bisexual and thrives on competition and gambling. And after winning a house from a fellow SEAL, he has the best meet-cute ever with Felix, flustered and guarded single-parent taking care of his two nieces, at the house he thinks he owns.

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Book 868: Sailor Proof (Shore Leave #1) – Annabeth Albert

Book cover of "Sailor Proof" with Amazon Affiliate linkThis is the very first Annabeth Albert ARC that I’ve read!* (I think, there may have been one more in her True Colors series, but who cares I got one!) Generally I’m bogged down in other stuff and I don’t realize when Albert’s releasing new works, but after joining her Facebook group and signing up for her newsletter I’m much more on the ball than I have been in the past!

The only downside of reading this as an ARC is that I have to wait for the next book FOREVER!!!! I’m so used to blazing through her series, that I actually forewent reading the teaser for book two, Sink or Swim, because the publication date is SO FAR AWAY!!!!!!!

Continue reading “Book 868: Sailor Proof (Shore Leave #1) – Annabeth Albert”


Book 760: Bring Me Edelweiss (Five Points Stories #2) – Kyle Baxter

"Bring me Edeweiss" book cover with Amazon Affiliate linkAs promised, here’s the next in the Christmas/Holiday MM romances 😀 I read this one immediately after the first even though I had every intention of crossing at least one of my outstanding nonfiction ARCs off my list. I was smart after finishing this one and made myself finish a nonfiction before I got to read the third in this series!

As much as I enjoyed The Problem with Mistletoe, this one ramped up the cheese and I am here for it. It was less about Christmas than the first (and I’m assuming the last, Mistletoe in the Marigny), but between the super nerdy tall guy (Joel), the beefy veteran prince of a small European nation (Freddie) it worked for me.

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Book 758: Better Not Pout – Annabeth Albert

"Better Not Pout" book cover with Amazon Affiliate linkI grabbed this a few months ago when it went on sale and saved it for the holidays. I had every intention of waiting until December, but Thanksgiving happened and Lifetime/Hallmark movies started showing and I wanted more LGBT+ characters (I know there are a few this year but I haven’t had the chance to see them) and I remembered I had this one already so here we are.

The story starts off slower than many of Albert’s other works, but the characters are just as well written and the plot works for what it is. Nick, a beefy retiring military man, is cornered into volunteering with a local charity and meets Teddy, an over the top do-gooder, and fireworks don’t fly right away, but they slowly build until the grand finale.

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Book 752: Rough Terrain (Out of Uniform #7) – Annabeth Albert

Book cover of "Rough Terrain" with amazon affiliate linkI knew I was going to love Annabeth Albert’s Out of Uniform series when I read Save the Date her military crossover with Wendy Qualls Heart of the South series and boy was I right!

I’m not going to spend this entire post waxing poetic about the series, but suffice to say the entire series was wonderfully written with great characters and engaging storylines. And this was a wonderful finale to the primary stories.

I’m sad that I’m finished, but only a little bit sad as I know I have SIX short stories that feature these characters to read at some distant point in the future.

Continue reading “Book 752: Rough Terrain (Out of Uniform #7) – Annabeth Albert”