
July Recap 2020

Lamp casting geometric patterns on a white tableAnd there goes July.

Not going on vacation and not physically going to work has made this summer move by even faster than usual. We’ve spent most of it hunkered down in the AC because it’s been miserably hot in Boston off and on. We have been able to squeeze in some roof deck time in the evenings when it cools off, but for the most part it’s AC all the way.

Books and Bookish Things
I got a lot of reading done this month, 16 books. That just behind the 18 I read in May, but well ahead of the 12 in April! This pandemic has really done a number on my reading (oh hey, MM Romances :-D).

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Book 720: Camp – L.C. Rosen

So, this is apparently the LGBTQ+ young adult book darling of summer 2020, or at least that’s what it feels like. I’ve seen it on so many lists, numerous bloggers/instagrammers I follow have already read it and sung its praises, and I know it’s already been optioned for a film.

Honestly, though I don’t get it. It was good but it wasn’t that good, even if it is all about fighting toxic masculinity. It reminded me a lot of the early 2000s teen RomComs, specifically She’s All That and Never Been Kissed. AND there are so many other books that have similar strains of finding your happily ever after by pretending to be someone you’re not and everyone overcoming the shock factor to just say omg yes, we’re in love. My response is of course rather vague so as not to spoil too much of anything if you decide you want to read it.

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Book 697: Under the Covers – K.C. Wells

I’m not sure how I haven’t gotten tired of these yet—I usually have by the third or fourth book—whatever it is I’m blaming coronavirus and the brain stupor. (I mean I’m not complaining I’m loving these, this is just an observation.)

After finishing a review copy I’d held on for longer than I should, I grabbed a few more of these from my local library (thanks Hoopla). I stuck with books by K.C. Wells because I enjoyed the others I read by her (My Fair Brady and The Senator’s Secret) and then grabbed a couple toward the top of the list when I sorted by “most popular.”

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April Recap 2020

Holy, reading Batman! I read 12 books this month thanks to a hot streak of MM romance novels and I’m astounded at that number.

Aside from reading I’ve spent time knitting, baking, and, over the last week, obsessively playing Animal Crossing. I also dug out my DVD case because I was desperate to watch Pride and Prejudice (2005) and it was only streaming on one service we don’t have.

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Book 691: The Sealed Letter – Emma Donoghue

A few months ago I went through my bookshelves and made a couple of piles of books. The only qualifications were that they had to be on my shelves for a while (this has been on my shelves since April 2014) and that they probably be a quick read. This one falls somewhere in the middle of the pack of Donoghue’s books that I’ve read. It’s definitely not as good as Room or Slammerkin, but I do think it’s a little better than Hood, mostly because Donoghue really excels at historical fiction.

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