ARC, Books

Book 1,066: The Lost Story – Meg Shaffer

Book cover of "The Lost Story"What happens when you take the Christian allegory out of C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, modernize it and add a little queer joy and some millennial/gen-z humor—I’m not lying I legit rolled my eyes at booping death on the nose? Meg Shaffer’s The Lost Story is what happens and it was a delightful fantastical journey that I very much enjoyed.

The publisher reached out with a review copy in early 2024 and I finally got around to it just over a year later and it was worth the wait.* When I got to the passage that the publisher included in the outreach email I gasped and was like “THIS is why I requested it!” (I 100% did not re-read that email before starting this on vacation, I just knew exactly what it was and verified it afterward.)

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ARC, Books

Book 1,064: The Fabric We Make – Joe Wilcox

Book cover of "The Fabric We Make"I’ve been knitting off and on for 20+ years, but really got back into it 7-8 years ago after 2-3 years of a little bit more off-and-on. This past November I took the leap and jumped into the knitting/fiber podcasting/vlogging world and haven’t looked back.

After one of my episodes the author, Joe Wilcox of QueerJoe fame reached out about his recently self-published book The Fabric We Make.* QueerJoe is one of the OG knitting blogs and I had recently been there reading about linen stitch and a project bag I was mulling over self-drafting (Instagram preview of the bag). I was like okay it’s a sign I should read this and so Joe kindly sent me a copy. Add in that I’m always looking to expand my nonfiction reading and it was double awesome.

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ARC, Books

Book 1,063: The Spellshop – Sarah Beth Durst

Book cover of "The Spellshop"When the publisher reached out about this one they referred to it as “cottage core fantasy” and I was like OMFG I am here for this.* One of my favorite game streamers does cottage core Minecraft and I may have been watching it at the time. This was back in January of 2024 (SHAME ON ME I KNOW) and after a wild year last year I finally picked this one up and it was lovely.

The Spellshop is the tale of Kiela, a librarian from the capital city, who flees to her home island with a sentient spider plant and then causes all sorts of good unintended consequences as she adapts to small town life again. It’s a slow-burn romance set in a light fantasy in which I genuinely forgot on some occasions until someone’s blue skin tone or antlers were mentioned or magic.

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Book 1,061: Yours, Eventually – Nura Maznavi

Book cover of "Yours, Eventually"I knew I would read some Jane Austen this year, it’s her 250th, but I didn’t realize how much or that I’d decide I’m going to re-read all six of her novels plus an adaptation of each. That’s new because when the publisher reached out about this debut novel, it put me at 1/3 of the way done so I was like “heck yeah!”*

Yours, Eventually, is a modern day retelling of Austen’s Persuasion set in a Pakistani-American community in California. I loved that it wasn’t your expected setting or even culture! I immediately was reminded of Ayesha at Last by Uzma Jalaluddin which has languished on my shelf for far too long, but it’s a Pride and Prejudice adaptation, and there are a million of those, so I’m glad I went with a less-often adaptation first!

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ARC, Books

Book 1,019: The West – Naoíse Mac Sweeney

This was a fascinating read. Mac Sweeney takes what you think you know about “Western Civilization” and attempts to flip it on its head via fourteen mini-biographies about historical figures, only a few of which I knew immediately.

I feel horrible it’s taken me this long to push my response out. The publisher reached out in January 2023. I blew past the publication date in May 2023, and finally read it in December 2023. So, I’m hanging my head, because it’s now taken me another month and a half to actually publish my response.

Continue reading “Book 1,019: The West – Naoíse Mac Sweeney”