Although I’ve read this before I’m still counting it as a book I’ve read this year. I should probably only count it as a half, because it is a young adult novel and I should be challenging myself, but that would be completely undermining some of the brilliant Young Adult fiction that is currently out there. Although a lot of times the novels are formulaic and sometimes tedious in their making sure the reader understands the plot lines and characters, I just have to remind myself they’re written for a younger audience.
Now I always debate with myself on whether I should count books I re-read for this blog. I think I’ve settled on the criteria that as long as I have not previously reviewed them here I’m going to count them. There are some books I re-read pretty frequently (At Swim Two Boys, the Inheritance Cycle, The Harry Potter books, etc.) so this will allow me to ‘review’ them, but only count them once in my various yearly goals.