
Book 770: Eight Nights in December – Keira Andrews

What a lovely little novella. After reading 10 Christmas romances I knew I wanted to find at least one non-Christmas romance for my 12 Days of MM Holiday Romances. And Hanukkah romances were a lot easier to find than Kwanza or Yule or anything else—so here we go!

Eight Nights in December is the story of Lucas, first year student whose dad recently passed away, and Nate, Lucas’s randomly assigned Senior roommate Sam’s little brother. Nate’s mom (being the take charge Jewish mother that she is, tells Lucas that he’s not spending the winter holidays alone when she goes to pick up Sam from school.

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Book 768: Merry Cherry Christmas – Keira Andrews

As I cross the 3/4 mark with book nine of my 12 MM Holiday Books of 2020, I’m finding it harder to judge the books. I’m not sure if it’s because they’re starting to run together, they totally are, or if it’s because they’re dividing pretty quickly into those that I really enjoy and those that are just sort of meh (this is the first).

In Merry Cherry Christmas we have Jeremy (aka Cherry – his little brother couldn’t say his name growing up and it stuck) another virgin desperately trying to no longer be a virgin, and his knight in shining armor Max, the super fit and attractive captain of the university football team. But really, Andrews wrote it best: “a nervous nerd and protective, jealous jock.” Not going to lie, this one gave a lot of the same things that A Guy for Christmas did, but Andrews did it better, for me at least.

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Book 767: Tic-Tac-Mistletoe (Hartbridge Christmas #1) – N.R. Walker

For the 8th book of 12 Books of MM Christmas Romance 2020 we have N.R. Walker’s Tic-Tac-Mistletoe.

First, I have to admit that it took me way too long to realize the tic-tac-toe still worked with the damn Mistletoe, like mentally it was there, but I didn’t really make the connection until I was typing out one of the quotes and was like OMG I GET IT. So yeah these might be rotting my brain.

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Book 766: A Guy for Christmas – K.C. Wells

A Guy for Christmas is #7 in my MM Holiday Romance binge and I grabbed it because I read a couple by Wells earlier in the year that I enjoyed (My Fair Brady and The Senator’s Secret) and a couple I was sort of meh on (Under the Covers and Out of the Shadows).

This cover reminds me so much of the Tucker Springs books I read back when I first started the blog. Seriously, go check out a few of the covers. I mean I know the covers don’t really vary that widely across MM romance novels, but it’s kind of eerie how similar this is to those. I think it’s the color of the fade outs.

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Book 764: All I Want – Stella Starling

This is book five of what will almost certainly be at least 12 Holiday MM Romances this year. What can I say? They’re better than watching the hetero Hallmark/Lifetime movies. Don’t get me wrong, I like those too, but I just want these this year.

This is the story of Elliott, an adorable charitable naive department store clerk, and Ash, the troublemaker son of the department store owner, and by far this is the one that is best set to be adapted into an actual Hallmark/Lifetime movie that I’ve read.

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