Those jokers over at The Classics Club sure have a sense of humor.
They want us to “Pick a classic someone else in the club has read from our big review list. Link to their review and offer a quote from their post describing their reaction to the book. What about their post makes you excited to read that classic in particular?”
Not asking for much are they?  Hold on a sec while I go read the 375 posted reviews as of writing this (I’m sure there will be more by time I post this.)  But all kidding aside, I think this is a great idea! I think the moderators made an astute decision to further build a community around this challenge.  I’ve already been tagged in two post, thanks Missy at Honeybee’s Attic and Athena at aquatique, and this meme pushes me to reach out and read new reviewers.
I enjoy reading the plethora of The Classics Club reviews out there, I mean my RSS feed has increased by at least 50% since the challenge started, but I settled on Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s (my response 5/13). I chose this for two reasons: my next book is Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote and I will eventually read Breakfast at Tiffany’s as part of The Classics Club.