This is going to be a relatively short recap since not much has changed since March and I’m just sort of trekking along. Tim’s finally back to a normal schedule, but I’m still WFH probably through the end of the year at this point (just speculation on my part) and we had to cancel our big August/September trip but are still hoping we’ll be able to get a house somewhere for a week at least.
Tag: Boston
Book 711: Sticks & Scones (Check, Please! #2) – Ngozi Ukazu
I’m so sad this is over. I waited a full year for it, and it was wonderful, but I’m still sad. I re-read each of the two books twice this time to really soak them in and make sure I looked at the artwork and appreciated the dialogue.
I’ll be frank and say that I’m not sure I enjoyed this as much as the first one. I don’t think it was anyone thing and I don’t think that should detract anyone else from reading it, but for me it didn’t have the perfection or the je ne sais quoi (that’s a nod to Jack ;-D) the first book did. There are spoilers after the jump, so don’t read ahead unless you want to know where #Hockey ended.
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Book 710: #Hockey (Check, Please! #1) – Ngozi Ukazu
After reading this last January, I knew I would revisit it. And thanks to a gift card for Christmas to Barnes and Noble, where I don’t usually shop, I ordered a copy of this and the follow up Sticks & Scones. This was all before coronavirus, and I had Sticks & Scones shipped to my office, where I hadn’t been able to get to it for almost a month after it was delivered 🙁
But when I got it, you know I had to re-read this one. And I loved it as mush as my first read. This time around I spent more time luxuriating in the artwork since I’d read the story previously and didn’t need to focus so much on who’s who and it was worth it.
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Book 702: Out of the Shadows – K.C. Wells
Does it matter why I grabbed this one? We’re firmly in double digit territory and rapidly approaching dozens in this random MM romance wormhole.
Wells wrote a couple of books I thoroughly enjoyed (The Senator’s Secret and My Fair Brady) and decent enough one (Under the Covers) and this was the final one on Hoopla by her, so I just grabbed it to read. When I got it, I didn’t realize it was set in Boston and when I did realize that, it gave me a lot of anxiety because a book set in your locale is very hit or miss when it comes to physical locations and I’m still bitter about Quietus. UGH.
Continue reading “Book 702: Out of the Shadows – K.C. Wells”
Book 694: A Christmas Cabin for Two – K.D. Fisher
This is the third book . . . Who am I kidding? This is the eighth book in my MM romance book binge starting toward the end of March. If we go back to January 1st, it’s the tenth (excluding young adult and manga). So yeah, it’s been an interesting year so far. [And the understatement of the century goes to . . .]
I grabbed this because time has no meaning any more: 1) It snowed here in Boston this week; 2) When we were driving back from a Costco south of the city there was a Christmas billboard up; 3) earlier on Saturday neither Tim nor I could figure out the date, we were off by 5-ish days; and 4) Tim’s schedule is all sorts of wonky working nights and weekends and I’m working from home for the foreseeable future. So . . . yeah, time has no meaning any more. Why not read a holiday romance in the middle of April?
Continue reading “Book 694: A Christmas Cabin for Two – K.D. Fisher”