
Book 1,024: Planes, Trains, and Hurricanes – Eli Easton

I grabbed this one over winter break from Kindle Unlimited, because I wanted to read a MM Holiday Romance and Eli Easton is one of those MM Romance authors who writes good stories, they’re not the best, but I do enjoy them. And growing up in the hurricane belt (Southeastern NC) I was interested in finding out WTF was happening in this novel.

Planes, Trains, and Hurricanes is the story of Joe, NYC hotshot with a rich future father in law trying to navigate the world of money having grown up relatively poor, and Remy, a southern do-gooder who has dedicated his time to educating and housing orphans and making the world a better place in general.

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Book 1,018: Rocky Start (A-List Security #4) – Annabeth Albert

The final installment of Albert’s A-List Security closes out the series with a bang. It’s relatively low-angst (mostly internal) and one major dramatic crisis, but overall, the series has been pretty low-key.

This book is a veteran-veteran romance rather than a veteran-civilian romance. Malik and Avery are both former SEALS and have connected with Duncan and Harley in their transition back to civilian life to work for their security firm. Malik experiences PTSD and Avery lost an arm (I think from combat) and they’re sent off to a remote set to help with security on a film.

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Book 1,000: Betting on his BF (Nerds vs Jocks #4) – Eli Easton & Tara Lain

Similar to the authors, this is the book that I didn’t know I wanted until I was halfway through the book. I thought PJ and Felix were both great characters when they made their appearances throughout the series so far, so was glad to see them get a book.

Betting on His BF continues the trend of the Alpha and Sigma frat brothers falling for each other. This one, however, takes place 100% away from campus and the only time we run into anyone from the other books is during the epilogue.

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Book 982: You’re a Mean One, Matthew Prince (Boy Meets Boy #2) – Timothy Janovsky

As I mentioned in my review of Never Been Kissed, I originally planned to read this but when I found out it was the second in a (now I know unconnected) series, I had to start with the first! Thankfully, my local library had digital copies of both and I was able to download them and jump right in.

The premise of this novel is that the very wealthy Matthew pulls a ridiculous stunt and his parents send him to live with his grandparents for the holidays to let the press cool off and teach him a lesson. There he meets, down-t0-earth scholarship student Hector who has no time or patience for spoiled little rich boy shenanigans.

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Book 978: Never Ever Getting Back Together – Sophie Gonzales

I’ve been looking forward to reading this one since Wednesday Books’ marketing team reached out way back in April!* I generally like to read a book closer to release so I held off on reading it and then of course missed the release by two weeks, but what can you do when life and school and work get so busy you barely have time to do anything but get from day-to-day?

My first interaction with Sophie Gonzalez was her collaboration with Cale Dietrich If This Gets Out and after adoring that when this landed in my inbox I immediately said yes and am so glad I did. This brings a new romance that I haven’t read in a long time to my site (FF) and increases bisexual representation as the two protagonists are both bisexual! I’m still giggling about this line:

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