The Tea & Books Reading Challenge, hosted by Birgit at The Book Garden, was a great idea and an awesome experience. You can find out more about the challenge by clicking any of the above links, or reading my original sign up post here.
I originally signed up for the Earl grey Aficionado level (six books) but upgraded to the Sencha Connoisseur after I quickly plowed through George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. For my upgrade I originally planned on adding Anna Karenina and Ulysses. I did end up reading Anna Karenina, but decided to wait on Ulysses and instead substituted Doctor Zhivago which I planned on reading for another challenge.
If I have one piece of advice for this challenge in the future. Definitely break up the books! And make sure to see if your books come with convenient stopping points. Martin’s series was emotionally demanding and exhausting. I read the first three back-to-back and then took a break. The two Russian novels were also demanding and incredibly tedious (and totally worth the read), but they came with convenient stopping points in ‘books’ within the novels.