Book Group, Books

Book 219: Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen

It will not be a surprise to those of you who have followed this blog for sometime that I was able to maneuver a second read of Jane Austen into my calendar this year. It just happened to be the same I read back in January. If you really want a laugh, go read my fan-boy love letter to Austen for that response here. I’ve tried to rein it in a bit for this response, but let’s face it that’s not really going to happen.

As I said back in January, very little can be added to the conversation that hasn’t been said. But EVERY single re-read brings something different to light. For instance this time the one scene that particularly stood out to me was when Lydia and her friends made a young male character dress in drag. I mean really? Weren’t they all prim and proper back then? It just made me laugh at the whimsical way in which Austen described it and everyone partook of the action.

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Book 133: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – J.K. Rowling

[Click here to read an updated response from my September 2018 re-read.]

And so it ends…there is so much that happens I can’t begin to explain my feelings about the end of this series. As with most of my posts on this re-read, this post is not so much a review as a regurgitation of my thoughts and emotions of the books. So, please accept my apologies ahead of time.

For those of you considering a re-read I encourage you to check out the Harry Potter Read Along over at The Lost Generation Reader from September to December. If I hadn’t just finished I would seriously consider it again. I’m already considering another re-read this time next year 😀 Re-reading this series provided me with a much-needed relaxation and break from my various challenges and I’m definitely glad I took the time to do it.

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Book 132: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – J.K. Rowling

[Click here to read an updated response from September 2018.]

I’m sad that my re-read of the series is coming to an end, but elated that Tom has started reading them and is seriously enjoying them! We’re watching the movies as soon as he finishes each book and both playing through the Lego Harry Potter series. Although I could do without him telling me everything that’s different in the books (open-wound people!), but it’s still exciting that he’s enjoying them.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is DEFINITELY in the top half of my arbitrary which Harry Potter books do I like more list. In this book more than any other, I believe, we truly see just how much potential Rowling has. She begins tying up loose ends while at the same time keeping the story moving forward in such a way that you can’t stop reading. This book more than any other (except for perhaps the first) provides the stage and set for the final novel. And as such – the wait for the final novel was by far the hardest and the longest (seeming)!

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Book 130: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – J.K. Rowling

[Click here to read an updated response from August 2018.]

I’m glad I re-read this book. It’s never been one of my favorites, but there are so many moments that are great in it to sort of make up for the things I don’t like. But before I delve in, I want to say Tom started reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone last night! I think he’s enjoying it and he’s about 70 pages in! (And we’re already discussing a movie marathon of all the films – which we would’ve done regardless of whether he decided to read them. 😀

However, don’t get me wrong, Harry is a whinny little git in this novel. And it’s almost enough to put me off from wanting to re-read it EVER, but like I said I’m glad I did. I get he’s a teenager, I mean I’m still a moody git and I’m well out of my teens, but come on Harry use your head. The world doesn’t revolve around you! All these other people have lives and fears and hopes and dreams! There are so many great characters (both good and evil-ish) introduced in this novel you can’t help but love it and I have to remind myself of that or let Harry’s whinging override the good in this novel.

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Book 129: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – J.K. Rowling

[To see an updated review of when I re-read this in August 2018 click here.]

This is the book where everything changes. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban really shows the wider wizarding world, but Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire really sets the stage for the rest of the series. It’s funny though that I didn’t really get this until Fiona, over at The Book Coop, shared her views about Book 3. I definitely agree with her that Book 3 shows that these are going to be a much broader series than just about a boy wizard at school, but what I think this book does is it shows just how dark this series has the potential to become.

Let’s face it Harry Potter is a dark series. It’s about good versus evil and surviving the lowest lows to get to the highest highs. Book 4 starts with a murder and it’s a plain fact. Every book prior to this mentions deaths and murders, but there are none that happen on the pages of the book and with this book it happens within the first 30 pages setting the tone for the rest of the series.

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