
Book 783: Secret Admirer (Love Notes #1) – D.J. Jamison

I PROMISE I’M READING MORE THAN MM ROMANCE THIS YEAR! Things just happened to work out that I needed to fill a few posts between nonfiction galleys to hit publishing dates so here we are.

I picked this up from Kindle Unlimited back in December when I read Naughty & Nice. At the time I was looking for MM Holiday Romances and was enraptured at the abs on that cover not realizing it was part of a series. Thankfully, they were pretty much standalones!

Secret Admirer features Ace, a super-hot upperclassman intelligent frat boy who is keeping an eye out for his best friend’s kid brother the other protagonist, Benji, a first-year who doesn’t want to be babied by his brother’s best friend and just wants to have fun. Continue reading “Book 783: Secret Admirer (Love Notes #1) – D.J. Jamison”


Book 782: Love Lessons (Love Lessons #1) – Heidi Cullinan

It’s been quite a while since I read anything by Heidi Cullinan—and this is distinctly different from her contributions to the Tucker Springs universe. I actually lost track of Cullinan after how rude Riptide Publishing was a few years ago because I went out of my way not to read anything by them and ultimately it was my loss. Thankfully, this isn’t published by them and I re-discovered an author I truly enjoyed reading.

I grabbed this one from the library because I forgot I wanted to read Secret Admirer by D.J. Jamison and I needed to read something to align a galley for what I thought was the publication date and failed miserably so you now get to have four back-to-back unplanned MM Romance reviews, oh darn 😀

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Book 777: Ben’s Bakery and the Hanukkah Miracle – Penelope Peters

If you want to know how to piss me off when it comes to a book put the setting in Boston but don’t do your research and don’t have the book copy edited or proofread. That’s a guarantee to piss me off. This could’ve easily been a 4.5-star book because of the hilarious hockey kids trying to be matchmaker for their coach, but nope.

I apparently put this on hold when I was in the middle of my 12 Books of MM Holiday Romance binge, but forgot about it until I was notified on January 3 it was available. I went ahead and read it as I’m making my way through Timothy C. Winegard’s fascinating tome The Mosquito: A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator, because let’s face it as fascinating as it is, that book is dense as hell. Continue reading “Book 777: Ben’s Bakery and the Hanukkah Miracle – Penelope Peters”


Book 776: Star Spanked (Holiday Romance #3) – Leighton Greene

And to finish off 2020 I finish off the kinky romance trilogy I unexpectedly walked into. Instead of a Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa (those are so hard to find!) or New Year’s MM Romance I read a 4th of July Independence Day novel!? Oh well, I actually ended up reading one more MM Holiday Romance after the first because I forgot I’d put it on hold at the library.

Star Spanked finds us once again deep in the kink world of Los Angeles. We find out that Jon and Connor from Winter Wonders are now engaged (or married) and Tristan and Seth from Taming Tristan play a decent sized role in this novel as Ezra, a model seeking to get out of the industry is Tristan’s roommate. The other protagonist is semi-celebrity British ex-pat Sebastian.

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Book 775: Taming Tristan (Winder Wonders #2) – Leighton Greene

If Winter Wonders was an introduction to BDSM/kinky mm romance, this one directly to advanced. Not only are we thrown into the deep end of the LA kink scene, but we’re thrown into what I’m gathering is a pretty niche group, primal, within the scene.

This being said I felt Greene did a thorough job of further educating her readers about the various aspects of D/s play and relationships. I mean I feel more educated even if I did have to Google (incognito of course) various things.

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