
Book 1,020: Not So Silent Night – H.L. Day

This has been on my Kindle for at least a year, if not two. I think I added it to my list when I went through the “How many MM Holiday Romances can I read in a month?” phase. Either way it sat there until now and I was flipping through looking for a light hearted read after the dense nonfiction of The West.

Starting out, I really wasn’t sure if it was going to be a hate read to finish it or if I was going to actually start to enjoy it. We start off with Xander, a spoiled elitist model who really annoyed me, but he kind of gets his comeuppance with a really bad ski injury and his dick of a boyfriend’s response. We then pick up with Ferris, who as much as I ultimately enjoyed his character, is an over the top nurse who takes a hit right as things are starting to look up! But this allows for the meet-cute and the story runs from there.

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Book 1,018: Rocky Start (A-List Security #4) – Annabeth Albert

The final installment of Albert’s A-List Security closes out the series with a bang. It’s relatively low-angst (mostly internal) and one major dramatic crisis, but overall, the series has been pretty low-key.

This book is a veteran-veteran romance rather than a veteran-civilian romance. Malik and Avery are both former SEALS and have connected with Duncan and Harley in their transition back to civilian life to work for their security firm. Malik experiences PTSD and Avery lost an arm (I think from combat) and they’re sent off to a remote set to help with security on a film.

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Book 1,017: Bad Deal (A-List Security #3) – Annabeth Albert

This was an unexpected entry in this series. I’m not really sure why, as it makes sense, but for me it stands out as slightly different than the others. Some of it may be that she brought more humor to this one that she did in the earlier two, or maybe it was the fake-boyfriend trope that I’ll always love, or maybe it was the characters ¯_(ツ)_/¯

With Bad Deal we have Harley, Duncan’s (from Hard Job) partner in running A-List Security who has taken on security lead for a TV series, and Ambrose, the writer/director of said series, and his dog Hercules (I think he’s a Chinese Crested, but it’s been too long to recall 100% accurately).

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Book 1,016: Hard Job (A-List Security #2) – Annabeth Albert

Book two of Albert’s A-List series finds us picking up not long after Tough Job leaves off. This time we’re with Danny’s stepbrother, Duncan, and his best friend, Ezra. Duncan is the head of the security firm that the series gets its name from, and Ezra is a rockstar living his best life.

I honestly can’t remember why Ezra needed the security, he may have fought with his previous person, it may have been a cover story to get in Duncan’s pants, but he needed them and went to Danny and Duncan got pulled in.

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Book 1,015: Tough Luck (A-List Security #1) – Annabeth Albert

Annabeth Albert loves to write a MM Military/Veteran romance and I am here for it. I love Annabeth Albert and I love MM military/veteran romances, so it’s a match made in heaven for all I have to say about it. The piece that I was meh about, was the body-guard aspect of the series, but seeing some reviews on Goodreads, maybe I’ve been missing out!

Tough Luck is the story of Danny Love, a childhood actor turned hermit, and Cash, an ex-marine who served with Danny’s (step?) brother, Duncan. Duncan’s asked cash to help Danny out installing security at his house, due to a stalker, and Cash has reluctantly accepted.

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