
Book 690: Off Base (Out of Uniform #1) – Annabeth Albert

Give me a minute to catch my breath . . . haahaa. No, seriously though. I didn’t read this through in one sitting, but I may as well have.

I’ve read two books with characters that would probably be in the Out of Uniform series by Annabeth Albert, Save the Date (with Wendy Qualls) and Connection Error. Both were great reads, but this one cranks it up. I’m not sure if it’s the sheer confidence of Pike, a just starting out college professor, or the hesitation and confusion of closeted virginal Navy Seal Zack.

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ARC, Books

Book 689: The Play of His Life – Amy Aislin

I honestly didn’t plan for April to be full of MM Romance novels, but that’s how the world works. Plus in this new world of coronavirus stay-at-homeness they’re the only thing I want to read. So in the words of Jonathan Van Ness, buckle up queen (YouTube video; watch the first 10-15 seconds) there are more to come after this, thanks to the library coming through on a few that have been on hold.

I read this as part of the Gay Romance Reviews publicity push for The Play of His Life‘s re-release later this month. I was intrigued when it landed in my inbox because I love second chance romances (oh hey Persuasion), and let’s face it MM romance sports stories are usually pretty hot and heavy. I did have some hesitations about accepting it because it is self-published, but it did come from a publicist rather than direct from the author so someone had to vet it at some point, so I figured why not?

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Book 688: Level Up (#gaymers #4) – Annabeth Albert

Who doesn’t love a meet cute involving a mistaken identity and shock factor? If you don’t, then don’t read this book 😀 This is the final book in the #gaymers series by Annabeth Albert following: Status UpdateBeta Test and Connection Error.

The protagonists of this book are Landon, a bisexual university professor who is tangentially related to the characters in the series (and is mentioned in passing at a LAN party or two) and Bailey, a photographer from Portland, OR, donating his services for a nude calendar for charity.

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Book 687: Connection Error (#gaymers #3) – Annabeth Albert

This year may just end up being the year of a million questionable romance novels. They’re so escapist, so wistful, and in general I really like Albert’s writing style and characters.

This is the third book in the #gaymers series after Status Update and Beta Test, and it was just as adorkable. I won’t even pretend I remember the other two. I mean I remember bits and pieces, the good and bad, but mostly I just remember they made me smile and I was able to recognize the characters when they made brief appearances in this book of the series.

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ARC, Books

Book 686: Enter the Aardvark – Jessica Anthony

This was a weird ass novel. I should’ve known it by the title when I requested it from NetGalley, but it was even weirder than I expected.* I’m sure I requested it because the blurb mentioned the modern protagonist was in deep denial about his sexuality, but that’s all I remember the rest was a weird wonderful surprise as I read it.

This is another dual narrative novel, authors really love those lately, with one portion taking place in modern America and the other taking place in the late 19th century England, and what ties the two together is a preserved Aardvark that arrives/is created at the most inconvenient time.

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