
Book 1,054: The Heartstopper Yearbook – Alice Oseman

I hadn’t really planned on buying or reading this. It’s one of those add on things, that you always wonder if it’s a cash grab or a demand of the publisher (or production company by the time this was released), versus something the author truly wanted. That being said as we were packing up to move I found a $25+ credit for one of our local book stores and wanted to use it. I went looking for something else and they didn’t have it, and it’s not an area of the city we live near anymore so I knew I wouldn’t be back so I grabbed this.

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Book 1,049: Unrivaled (#3) & 1,050: Crushed Ice (#4) (Hockey Ever After) – Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James

And I’m done with the series—or at least done with what I’m planning to read.

Although, I just found the fifth book and it has a librarian in it! The one thing that I thought was missing from the series was a hockey player falling for someone who WASN’T A HOCKEY PLAYER. It was all too neatly tied up with everyone being hockey players and mostly understanding each other. We’ll see, maybe I’ll come back for that fifth one at some point.

Continue reading “Book 1,049: Unrivaled (#3) & 1,050: Crushed Ice (#4) (Hockey Ever After) – Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James”


Book 1,045: Scoring Position (#2) & 1,046: Winging It (#1) (Hockey Ever After) – Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James

Yes—I accidentally read these out of order. I didn’t realize Winging It was the first in the series and only figured it out 1/3 of the way through Scoring Position so of course I immediately had to download the first and start it right after.

Overall, this series was good, and these first two books were well written, and the stories were engaging, but OMFG they were all entirely way too long, or not well paced. More on that later.

Continue reading “Book 1,045: Scoring Position (#2) & 1,046: Winging It (#1) (Hockey Ever After) – Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James”


Book 1,043: Northranger – Rey Terciero & Bre Indigo

I don’t know how I didn’t know about this one sooner. I mean, I do. Life has been incredibly busy and non-stop post-pandemic, and 2022-2024 was a blur of classes and life, which explains how this 2023 release slipped under my radar, but OMG I’m so glad I found it. Terciero takes Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey and turns it into a wonderful MM romance while Bre Indigo does a fantastic job of capturing a Texas ranch in this adaptation.

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Book 1,036: Chef’s Kiss – Jarrett Melendez

I didn’t realize it at the time, but this has many similarities to Bloom, but with enough of a twist/reversal that it makes sense that I read it right after. It was purely coincidence though, this was one of the half dozen graphic novels/manga that were immediately downloadable from my local library. I won’t compare too much as it’s not really fair to either, but I just got a kick out of that realizing it now as I sit down to write my response (months later—whoops).

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