ARC, Books

Book 597: Let Go of Emotional Overeating and Love Your Food – Arlene Englander

Toward the middle of last year I started accepting fewer and fewer unsolicited review requests, but periodically a few come up from publicists or publishers I’ve worked with previously and this was one of them.

As a larger guy, (are guys plus sized?) I’ve always been curious about over eating and overeaters anonymous, but there are so many other books to read that I never looked into them. So when the publicist reached out to me about this back in July 2017, I figured why not.* That being said, I should be ashamed I didn’t get around to reading it until early 2018 though.

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November and December Recap 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’m not sure how, but somehow I actually got this scheduled to post New Year’s Day! Sure it’s a (late) recap of November and December 2018 and you’ll have to wait another week or so for my full 2018 look back, but I’m still impressed 😀

I wish I spent New Year’s Even in a hot tub, but alas I did not. I actually spent the first weekend in December in a hot tub, because I quit my job and we spent a long weekend in snow-covered New Hampshire. Have you ever seen a more relaxed faced? Mine hasn’t been that relaxed in a long time! Quitting was the right thing to do and later in December I received a new job offer which I am VERY excited about. But the leaving my job and gearing up for a new one were once again responsible for my slow reading and non responsiveness in November/December, but I’m slowly getting back into things.

Continue reading “November and December Recap 2018”


August, September and October Recap 2018

I’ve put off posting this since August 1. I actually had a draft scheduled for September 3, and again for both October 1 and November 2. And yet here we are almost two full weeks into November and It’s just now being posted.

When I started this post the first line was: Good Bye Summer/not really damn weather. Now it’s more like holy hell the cold has arrived (not really, but it was below freezing the morning I wrote this). I’m going to keep it pretty simple so I can just get this thing posted. I do have the last two books queued up but am spreading them out over the next two weeks so I at least get a post a week. Continue reading “August, September and October Recap 2018”