
Book 657: Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe – Melissa de la Cruz

Once again, the dangers of allowing me loose online or in a library result in me reading a random book I found while looking for something else specifically. Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve read this eventually—it’s a Jane Austen fan fiction/retelling/spinoff with reverse genders set at Christmas.

Honestly, I wasn’t even aware Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe existed, but since I found it on Overdrive I’ve found out that they made a Hallmark movie of it and you KNOW I will be watching that this coming curl up inside because it’s cold outside and watch questionable movies season.

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Book 655: Upside Down – N.R. Walker

Sometimes you just have to eat your own words. I really don’t like reading self-published works. In general, they are not edited (structurally, thematically, copy) appropriately, but then I stumble across a self-published book, like this one, and I am pleasantly surprised.

Don’t get me wrong there were a few copy editing errors—I’m looking at you “Hans Solo”, ouch—but no more than what I’ve found in some big publisher books before (cough ** Mr. Dancy ** cough ** Signett Classics ** cough). And in general, I found this to be well paced and complete. Maybe this is because I found it versus the author reaching out to me? I honestly don’t know.

Continue reading “Book 655: Upside Down – N.R. Walker”


September Recap 2019

Kicked off the end of August and beginning of September with a long weekend up in Acadia National Park, Maine so thought I’d include a beautiful sunrise photo to wrap up the month.

Work has moved into full speed for the season, so I’m surprised I read as much as I did. I’ve also spent time reading longer articles on my to be read list (aka my Instapaper app), some of which have been there since January! I’m reading plenty of longer pieces (45-90 minutes reading time) and the good part about it is that I’ve read a wide range of articles from (closeted) gay neo-Nazis to millennials as the burn out generation, and weirdly this puts less stress on my goal of reading a nonfiction book every month.

Continue reading “September Recap 2019”


Book 646: How (Not) to Ask a Boy to Prom – S.J. Goslee

How is it that each one of these I read is able to best the last? Don’t get me wrong, they’re not all perfect, some have plot holes and others need better copy editors, but in general they just keep getting better.

I put this one on hold at the library at some point, probably around the same time I read Bloom, and it came in recently so of course I decided to read it ASAP. What I wasn’t expecting was for this to be a sort of mash-up of all the teen rom-coms I grew up with (think 10 Things I hate About YouShe’s All ThatClueless and even I’m pretty sure some Pretty in Pink or 16 Candles.

Continue reading “Book 646: How (Not) to Ask a Boy to Prom – S.J. Goslee”


Book 641: Unmarriageable – Soniah Kamal

Now this is how you do a modernization of a Jane Austen novel! I totally get why this one has received so much hype recently. I found it on a list of adaptations to look out for at some point last year and I finally got to read it after months on the library wait list.

Unlike what I wrote way back in 2011 about Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters and the adaptations needing to be moved away from the main story, Unmarriageable stays very very close to the original (with a few slight modifications). Where else could a modern day almost exact retelling of Pride and Prejudice than a parallel situations when it comes to women and marriage? Continue reading “Book 641: Unmarriageable – Soniah Kamal”