
April Recap 2018

It’s finally starting to feel like Spring again here in Boston. We really thought winter would never end and after the flooding last month we didn’t think the city would ever dry out either!

I’m still trying to figure out where April went, but with a big even at work, PAX East, finishing unpacking and the weather starting to clear up it’s no wonder it flew by.

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Book 543: The Age of Innocence – Edith Wharton

We moved last month and I had to shuffle books around and needed to pull one of a certain size off my shelf and this one was it so I figured might as well read it and I’m glad I did! I honestly thought this was on my Classics Club list, but apparently it wasn’t when I went to document it on my lists.

Apparently, I picked it up as part of my re-read books from high school that you didn’t like to see how they/I have changed after attending a panel at the 2012 Boston Book Festival. Although I didn’t read this one in high school, I read Ethan Frome, which of course I was disgruntled about because it wasn’t Star Wars or fantasy. Now I am again interested in the retelling that I mention, so who knows I might revisit this sooner than I think. Continue reading “Book 543: The Age of Innocence – Edith Wharton”


March Recap 2018

That photo to the right pretty much sums up most of March for me.

We had more snow and rain this month than I swear we’ve had in all of last year. The worst part about it was that they were back to back nor’easters with three in three weeks and flooding happened within a mile of our house. If you can’t tell that photo is the ocean high enough up that we can’t make our usual walk around a big loop at Castle Island. There were other parts of the walkway that were flooded but that end bit was the most astounding – usually there’s 5-8 feet from the water to the top of the stone barriers which you can sort of see to the left. This is Head Island on Google Maps – we’re supposed to be able to walk all the way around Pleasure Bay.  Continue reading “March Recap 2018”


Book 519: Claudia Must Die – T.B. Markinson

I’ve had a copy of this on my Kindle since February of 2015. I’m not sure why it took me this long to read it, but who knows with me. TBM was one of the first blogging buddies I made when I started to blog all those years ago.

One of the things we connected about was Boston. She’d recently left Boston and I’d recently moved to Boston. Little did I know that almost seven years later I’d read a book that was set on the same street where I work! Seriously, a good portion of this book takes place on the street and the block where I sat on a deck reading this during my lunch break.

Continue reading “Book 519: Claudia Must Die – T.B. Markinson”

ARC, Books

Book 508: Chemistry – Weike Wang

I first heard of this book through a friend, who also happens to be friends with the author. After reading the blurb I reached out to the publisher for a copy and here I am.* It of course didn’t hurt that the book was set here in Boston at an unnamed University and I’ve started to see it everywhere around the city either!

Chemistry is the tale of an unnamed narrator and her exit from the academic world that has ruled her life and her various reactions to things going on in her world. It’s more complicated than that, but that’s what I boiled it down to. I’m still mulling over many parts of the book, particularly the “conclusion,” but in general I found this to be a wonderfully engaging read.

Continue reading “Book 508: Chemistry – Weike Wang”