
Book 901: More Happy Than Not – Adam Silvera

Book cover of "More Happy Than Not" with Amazon Affiliate linkSo I have talked about gut punches when reading books before, but Silvera took it to a different level with this one—and this was his freakin’ debut novel!

I’ve known about Silvera for some time and even read his co-authored What If It’s Us? with Becky Albertalli, but this is the first time I’ve sought out his work. I came across it on a list of must-reads and so grabbed it when I saw it was available at my library.

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ARC, Books

Book 794: Best Laid Plans (Garnet Run #2) – Roan Parrish

"Best Laid Plans" book cover with Amazon Affiliate linkAs soon as I found out there was going to be another book in the series that brought me Better Than People, I jumped on board with a request to the publisher.*

Taking place not long after BTP, Best Laid Plans features Charlie, the older brother of Jack from the first novel who has spent his life sacrificing for Jack since their parents died, and Rye, a down on his luck loner who has come to Wyoming after inheriting a dilapidated house because he has nowhere else to go.

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Book 680: The Dark Tower (The Dark Tower #7) – Stephen King

Cover art for "The Dark Tower" and Amazon AffiliateTalk about a gut punch of an ending.

The Dark Tower picks up immediately where Song of Susannah ends and not only does it punch you in the gut in chapter one, but it continues to pummel you for the next 700+ pages! And honestly, I wouldn’t have expected less from something of such epic proportions. I can’t talk about this without spoiling it so don’t read any more if you haven’t read it and have any intention of reading it. (You can read the recommendation if you want though.)

Continue reading “Book 680: The Dark Tower (The Dark Tower #7) – Stephen King”


February Recap 2020

It feels like ages ago that we were on our (what has come to be) annual trek to warmer climates during the winter. And I miss it so much, I mean look at that water and that blue sky, it was wonderful and even worth the sunburn!

We did the same cruise we did last year, which allowed me to read four full books and get a good chunk of the way through a fifth, all while lounging by a pool or on a beach. Isn’t that the life?

Continue reading “February Recap 2020”


Book 660: Song of Susannah (The Dark Tower #6) – Stephen King

Song of Susannah book coverThis series might be getting a little too meta for me.

Don’t worry, I’m going to finish it. I mean I’m thousands of pages in and only one book and two novellas left, but seriously this book definitely messed with the idea of reality in a way that pushed multiple fictional worlds into what I’m assuming is supposed to be our world because Stephen King exists in it, but he might exist in all the worlds because he’s the storyslinger. So. Many. Confusing. Thoughts.

Continue reading “Book 660: Song of Susannah (The Dark Tower #6) – Stephen King”