
Four Years: Part 2 – A Dismal Outlook

2014 05-06 Somerville Public Library ArtPerhaps “A Dismal Outlook” isn’t the best title for this post, but I figured it was better than “The Sad State of the Book Blogging Community.” Now before, you get up in arms remember this is MY blog and I can say what I want. And if I had my way we’d all be as happy and goofy looking as that photo from outside my local library to the right.

I will caution, that this post isn’t about anyone. Sure I’ve seen blogs that highlight this more than others and I’m just as guilty of doing some of these things, but self-awareness is a big part of it! If you find yourself reflecting negatively on this post, no matter what sort of blog you write, I encourage you to suck it up and deal with it. It’s outside of my realm and this is all about personal preference. This post is a continuation of my self-reflection and just general observations about things that annoy me about blogs.

So let’s just rip the band-aid off: Click here to continue reading.


Four Years: Part 1 – My Reflection

2014 07-12 Museum SelfieAs I said in my day-of anniversary post, it’s hard to believe I’ve been doing this for four years. You’ll have to forgive this week as it’s going to be even MORE self-centered than usual. Don’t worry, I will go into the numbers later in the week! There were so many when I was looking at them it was overwhelming. As each year passes it’s more and more amazing to see who I interact with and who visits my little spot on the internet, but more on that Wednesday.

This post is a quick post to reflect on how it’s been to blog, specifically about books, for so long. Rather than taking ANOTHER selfie, I just reused the same one (above) I’ve used twice this month already. Thankfully it really fits with my thoughts on the blog. Every post I make is like one of those pieces of mirror in the photo. Each mirror/post gives you a tiny glimpse of who I am and even if you put them all together you don’t get a complete picture, but a mirage/collage of who I am. (Deep right?) Click here to continue reading.


Another Year Has Gone By

Four YearsI interrupt my regularly scheduled Monday/Wednesday/Friday posts to announce TODAY is my four-year blogoversery! And with that in mind I’m planning to take the week off from responding to books, my weekly posts and what not and look back on the past four years!

It really is hard to believe that four years ago today I started my little corner of the internet. I’ve had blogs before and most of them I abandoned pretty quickly, but this one stuck.  I honestly thought I’d last two-to-three years and abandon, it but I guess when you write for yourself and not for an audience you stick with things longer than you would imagine!

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Three Year Anniversary?!

Three Years
Not sure where it’s actually from, but I found it here.

Three years ago tomorrow, I started the The Oddness of Moving Things. It is really hard to believe I have actually stuck with it this long. I’ve never given a serious thought of quitting, but I have given serious thought of just disappearing for months on end. So much has happened in my life over the past three years and this is one of the big constants which is nice.

To see my very first post about why I started The Oddness of Moving Things click here. The reasons I’ve kept it around aren’t quite the same, but I think this blog has done a great job in keeping me sane and helping me retain even more of my reading knowledge than I used. In addition I’ve ‘met’ some amazing people around the world and been encouraged to read outside of my comfort zone (trashy romance [oh yes] and classics [meh, mostly]). This email is a little less celebratory as my life is hectic and my job requires a bit more attention these days (yay for growing up right?!). So I’ve kept my Top Ten lists and called it a day!

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Two Year Anniversary!

Two years ago on July 20th, I started The Oddness of Moving Things.  I planned on waiting until the actual day to post, but It seemed to fit right in with my stats this week.  When this posts, it will be my 201st post and I will have surpassed 14,000 unique views (not a lot I know, but I thought it was awesome it was right at the same time I hit 200 posts).  To see my very first post about why I started The Oddness of Moving Things click here and to see my One Year Anniversary posts click here, here and here.

It definitely feels like a lot longer than two years, but who cares!  This is my yay for sticking with something for longer than a year, and celebrating all you amazing people out there I’ve ‘met’ over the past two years!

Top 10 BannerI’ve got a couple of “Top Ten” lists for you below, so check them out!  The first is the top 10 most visited books, the top 10 tags from this past year and the last is the top 5 Commenters and top 5 commented posts.  There are very few surprises I think and it’s nice to see some of my older responses still being read.

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