ARC, Books, Professional Development

Book 1,052: Supercommunicators – Charles Duhigg

I’ve read a few books by Charles Duhigg and in all honesty The Power of Habit, the first I read of his, was the best and the rest have felt like attempts to recapture the success that one had. That being said, when the publisher reached out with a copy of this one I said “Sure, why not?”*

I work in communications and I’m always interested in how others see it and what the latest trends/fads/ideas are. In reading this, I found that I do quite a few of the things Duhigg observes the best communicators do, so that was reassuring. Duhigg takes a look at communications from across all walks of life from FBI interviewees (both HR and interrogation), lawyers, simple spousal conversations, group interviews, jury proceedings, television shows, and so many other examples.

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Books, Professional Development

Book 1,042: Getting to Yes – Roger Fisher, William Ury, & Bruce Patton

This was the last book I had to read as I wrapped up my master’s degree earlier this year. It was part of the negotiation course it was written for many years ago and we were taught by members of the negotiation project (but not these authors). Reading it for a course made this a bit more of a slog than it probably would’ve been. We only had to read roughly half of it so I was like may as well finish it out. If I would’ve picked this up on my own, I probably would’ve read through it a lot faster.

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ARC, Books, Professional Development

Book 969: The Art of Communicating – Thích Nhất Hạnh

I had to read this for a course I’m talking about the art of brave communication. We only had to read the first couple of chapters, but I found it to be an approachable and relatively easy read so kept going.

Where Hanh excelled was in his simple writing. For the most part, there were no overwrought metaphors or awkward analogies. There was one at the end that I’ll get to, but I think it’s a religious thing and it just fell flat for me.

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Books, Professional Development

Book 830: 10% Happier – Dan Harris

I honestly had zero expectations going into this book. During the pandemic my employer provided us free access to the 10% Happier app which I took advantage of and have used sporadically (really need to get better at that). I enjoyed both Harris and Joseph Goldstein’s insights on mediation in the various getting started sessions and was curios if there was more out there.

I vaguely knew Harris had written a book, but it was never an OMG I have to read this type book, but when it randomly came across my screen one day I requested it from the library and saved it for a vacation read.

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ARC, Books, Professional Development

Book 786: No Blanks, No Pauses – Shelly McNamara

When the publisher reached out to me about this I immediately knew I was going to say yes (even if it took me a few days to get around to telling them).* I’m always interested in LGBT individuals’ personal journeys to where they are today and when the subject line was “Chief Equality & Inclusion Officer at Procter & Gamble Publishes Inspiring Memoir on Living an Authentic Life”, of course I was in!

I knew nothing about Shelly McNamara and the only thing I knew about P&G, aside from all the random products of theirs I use, is that they have a big neon sign in Boston on a building (I think it’s a museum?), so I went in blind which isn’t anything new for me.

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