Aciman, André
Adams, Mark
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi
Aislin, Amy
Albert, Annabeth
- #gaymers
- A-List Security
- Better Not Pout
- Catered All the Way
- Cup of Joe (Bold Brew #1)
- Frozen Hearts
- The Geek Who Saved Christmas
- Mr. Right Now
- Out of Uniform
- Perfect Harmony
- Portland Heat
- Rainbow Cove
- Safe Harbor
- Save the Date – Annabeth Albert and Wendy Qualls
- True Colors
- Shore Leave
- Winning Bracket
Albertalli, Becky
Alcott, Louisa May
- Behind A Mask
- Little Women Trilogy
Alexander, Kindle
Alexander, Nathan
Allen, Samantha
Allison, Dorothy
Allwood, Blake
Altman, Marsha
Anderson, Quinn
- Murmur, Inc.
Anderson, Rachael
Andrews, Keira
- Eight Nights in December
- Festive Fakes
- Love on the Ice
- Merry Cherry Christmas
Angelou, Maya
Anthony, Jessica
Aptowicz, Cristin O’Keefe
- My Love Mix-Up! – Wataru Hinekure & Aruko
Atkinson, John
Atwood, Margaret
- The Blind Assassin
- Cat’s Eye
- The Handmaid’s Tale
- The Heart Goes Last
- MaddAddam Trilogy
- Stone Mattress
Augenthaler, Debbie
Ausiello, Michael
Austen, Jane
- Emma
- Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sandition
- Love and Freindship and Other Youthful Writings
- Mansfield Park
- Northanger Abbey
- Persuasion
- Pride and Prejudice
- Sense and Sensibility
Babbitt, Natalie
Bach, David
Badowski, Rosanne
Bailar, Schuyler
Bailey, Jen
Baker, Jo
Baker, Tamsin
Bakker, Gerbrand
Barakiva, Michael
- One Man Guy
Barrows, Annie
Baxter, Kyle
Bechdel, Alison
Beecroft, Alex
Belleau, Heidi
Benaim, Sabrina
Bird, Jackson
Bissinger, H.G.
Blake, Leta
- Home for the Holidays
Blake, Michael
Blanchard, Ken
Bolles, Richard
Bouchard, Loren
- Bob’s Burgers
- Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare (#2) – Adam Beechen, Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, John McNamee, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington
- Bob’s Burgers: Well Done (#3) – Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Rachel Hastings, and Mark Von Der Heide
Boulle, Pierre
Bowles, Jane
Boyes, Alice
Boyne, John
Bradbury, Ray
Brant, Marilyn
Brewster, Chad
Brookner, Anita
Brooks, Geraldine
Brooks, Terry
Brontë, Anne
Brontë, Charlotte
Brontë, Emily
- Wuthering Heights
Brown, Dan
- Robert Langdon Series
Brown, Laurie
Brownlee, Elle
- Force Play
- Say Yes to A Mess
- Staggered Cove Station
- Two for Trust
- May 2020 x2
- February 2023
- October 2024
Buffett, Jimmy
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Bushnell, J.T.
Butler, Nancy
- Emma (Marvel Illustrated) – Nancy Butler, Jane Austen and Janet Lee
- Northanger Abbey (Marvel Illustrated)- Nancy Butler, Jane Austen and Janet Lee
- Pride & Prejudice (Marvel Illustrated)- Nancy Butler, Jane Austen and Hugo Petrus
- Sense & Sensibility (Marvel Illustrated) – Nancy Butler, Jane Austen and Sonny Liew
Buttigieg, Pete
Calder, Jax
- Sporting Secrets
Card, Orson Scott
Cardamone, Tom (Ed.)
Carmichael, Evan
Carnilius, Robin
Carocari, Marco
Carpenter, Novella
Carroll, Lewis
Carter, S.J.
Cates, Skylar M.
Cathy, S. Truett
Cervini, Eric
Chan, Crystal
Chang, David
Charles, K.J.
- Society of Gentlemen
- The Will Darling Adventures
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chbosky, Stephen
Chen, Katherine
Christie, Agatha
Chute, Carolyn
Cline, Ernest
Cloverdale, Catherine
- Apple Meadows
Coben, Harlan
Cochet, Charlie
Coelho, Paulo
Cogman, Genevieve
- The Invisible Library
Colfer, Eoin
- Artemis Fowl
Collins, Paul
Collins, Suzanne
- The Hunger Games (#1)
- Catching Fire (#2)
- Mockingjay (#3)
Collins, Wilkie
Conley, Garrard
Connelly, Victoria
Couch, Robbie
Crutchley, Lee
Culbertson, Judi
Cullinan, Heidi
- Love Lessons
- Tucker Springs
Cunningham, Michael
Curato, Mike
Curry, Alexandra
Daniels, April
- Nemesis
Danvers, Alex
Darke, Minnie
David-Weill, Cécile
Davis, Fiona
Day, H.L.
de la Cruz, Melissa
de Maupassant, Guy
Deal, Jennifer J.
Denning, E.M.
- Do-Over
Deonn, Tracy
Deresiewicz, William
Dickens, Charles
Dickerson, Ben
- Bob’s Burgers
- Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare (#2) – Adam Beechen, Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, John McNamee, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington
- Bob’s Burgers: Well Done (#3) – Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Rachel Hastings, and Mark Von Der Heide
Donoghue, Emma
Donovan, John
Downs, Alan
Drake, Jeff
- Bob’s Burgers
- Bob’s Burgers: Volume 1 (#1) – Chad Brewster, Jeff Drake, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, and Mike Olsen
- Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare (#2) – Adam Beechen, Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, John McNamee, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington
- Bob’s Burgers: Well Done (#3) – Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Rachel Hastings, and Mark Von Der Heide
- Bob’s Burgers: Pan Fried (#4) – Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Mike Olsen, and Anneliese Waddington
- Bob’s Burgers: Char-Broiled (#5) – Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington
Duhigg, Charles
Dunbar, Helene
Duncker, Patricia
Dunn, Andy
Dyer, Jonah Lisa
Dyer, Stephen
Easton, Eli
- The Best Gift
- Christmas Angel (The Christmas Angel #1)
- Clyde’s Corner
- The Hot Cannolis
- Nerds vs Jocks – Eli Easton & Tara Lain
- Planes, Trains, and Hurricanes
- Superhero
Edwards, Brooke
Eire, Carlos
Eliot, George (Mary Anne Evans)
Ellis, A.D.
Ellis, Bella
Ellis, Jayce
Emet, Joseph
Engels, Friedrich
Englander, Arlene
Esile, Franco
Esile, Lisa
Est, Em
Farazmand, Reza
Fawkes, Glynnis
Faye, Lyndsay
Ferrucci, Piero
Fforde, Jasper
Fielding, Helen
Fielding, Kim
Fisher, Carrie
Fisher, K.D.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fitzgerald, Penelope
Flaubert, Gustave
Fleming, Ian
Flores, Jacob Z.
Flynn, Gillian
Ford, Michael Thomas
Fowler, Karen Joy
Fowles, John
Francis, Brian
Frey, James
Fuller, Alexandra
Fumino, Yuki
- I Hear the Sunspot
Gael, Juliet
Gaines, Steven
Galbraith, Robert (J.K. Rowling)
Gallo, Andy
Ganucheau, Savanna
- Bloom – Kevin Panetta & Savanna Ganucheau
Gardner, John
Garimara, Doris Pilkington
Garvin, Eileen
Gattuso, Joan
Ghosh, Madhushree
Gideonse, Ted and Rob Williams (eds.)
Ginsberg, Allen
Gittines, Roger
Glaser, Gabrielle
Gonzales, Sophie
Gordon, Kim
Gordonson, Joel
Gormley, Amelia C.
Goslee, S.J.
Grahame-Smith, Seth
Green, Simon James
Greene, Leighton
- Holiday Romance
Gregory, Tag
Grey, Andrew
Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm
Grimsley, Jim
Grisham, John
Grossman, Lev
- The Magicians Trilogy