
Bienvenidos a Madrid

2014 06-02 Madrid PostcardWhen this posts, I will be in the air on my way to Spain! Needless to say I am very excited and cannot wait to explore a new country. It has been almost six years since I was last out of the country, living there so not really traveling, and it’s been too long!

For the first week, we will be in Madrid. We have SO much planned from the national library and a  bus tour on the first day, to eating at one of the oldest continually run restaurants in the world, a rooftop walking tour and visiting the many museums and bull fighting ring!  I’m also VERY VERY excited about visiting the Don Quixote* and Sancho Panza statue on the postcard my sister sent me last summer and getting my picture taken there too!! I plan to start Don Quixote (Part 1 & Part 2) while I’m there to make it even more festive!

I’ve scheduled a few posts for when I’m gone, including an update on Monday (June 15) of where we go for our second week! So don’t worry if you don’t get an immediate response from me.

*I’m going to stick with the “x” version of Quixote as that is the way it is spelled in the title of the version I am reading. The postcard, and many other places have the “j” version, Quijote.


May Recap 2015

2015 05-28 NPR ThanksI cannot get over how fast this month went. I say that every month, but I honestly have no idea how I have kept myself together in May! From being the midroll on Pop Culture Happy Hour early in the month (direct link) to planning for my rapidly approaching trip to Spain I’m just sort of sitting here looking back and I’m a bit overwhelmed.

I did make a decision on what I’ll be reading this summer and I’ve been inspired by Simon over at Savidge Reads, and my friend from undergrad Carlie who sent me the book section of Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I think I may do a cull late in the summer before I move to another place in Boston. I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself, but that’s definitely a potential possibility.

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Book 349: The Edge of Reason (Bridget Jones #2) – Helen Fielding

If possible this one was even funnier than Bridget Jones’s Diary, or at least the ending was. There were parts in both books where I could not stop laughing, but this one ended with such a hilarious situation that I could easily find myself in involving wine and Christmas cards. I didn’t read this one quite as fast as the first, but I still read it in only a few sittings.

What I enjoyed most about this novel was the unapologetic sexuality and brashness of Bridget. This was evident in the first novel, but in this novel she takes it to a different level, primarily manifesting through keeping track of the seconds, yes SECONDS, since she last had sex. (It’s up in the tens of millions.) Now this might sound strange, but Fielding writes about issues that affect large sweeps of the population through this quirky character.

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ARC, Books

Book 348: In Youth Is Pleasure & I Left My Grandfather’s House – Denton Welch

The publisher, Open Road Integrated Media, reached out to me with this book as I’d previously read Jane Bowles’ Two Serious Ladies, and she is even mentioned in this work.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hesitant at first as Bowles’ work was very well written but I just didn’t like the characters. Thankfully, Welch’s characters were a bit more accessible for me. This is two shorter stories so I’ve separated my response into two parts. The publisher provided a copy of this book and I received no compensation for my honest opinion.

The one over-arching them the two pieces have in common is the idea of sexuality, specifically homosexuality, before it was commonly talked about and/or accepted. I tried (aka did a brief google search) to find out about Welch’s sexuality, but again this was a long time ago before our out and proud mantras of today. Welch died young, he was only 33, and there is only speculation outside of his written works which in today’s society seem pretty explicit. Regardless, I enjoyed both of these snippets of the past for completely different reasons.

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March Recap 2015

2015 03-15 Coffee ShopsSo far 2015 is turning out to be one hell of a roller coaster. Every time something great happens it’s like there’s someone waiting to smack you in the face before you get too excited or stay happy for too long.

The major positives are 1) we’re 1/4 of the way through the year so we’re past the “Monday” of 2015. 2) We beat the record so all the snow was worth it. And 3) Most of the snow has melted in Boston (even though it snowed this week), and we’re finally starting to see signs of spring including a couple of 50+ (10C) degree days over the past two weeks and the sun is out a lot more than it has been. It never ceases to amaze me how an extra 10-15 minutes of sunlight a day can seriously improve your attitude! As the weather has been so iffy lately I’ve spent a lot of time in coffee shops and curled up reading books, and thus the starting photo. (Yes that’s a spoon pushed into the cement.)

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