In the second installment of Orson Scott Card’s five book series Homecoming we pick up right where The Memory of Earth left off. This time however we are not solely focused on the Wetchik clan, instead we learn about a new character Moohz, a great Gorayni general. Although the Gorayni worship differently, they still worship the Oversoul, but call it God. As we delve more into his story we learn his people were conquered and annihilated by the Gorayni and he is biding his time until he is able to strike a death-blow to the Gorayni empire and their leader, a self-titled human manifestation of god.
In contrast to this we delve more deeply into the Wetchik family and Lady Rasa’s family and ties. Her two idiot daughters Svet and Kokor and their husbands, Wetchik’s sons from the previous book, and Rasa’s nieces become focal points of this novel. Wetchik’s sons return to the city on the command of the Oversoul to find wives and to bring them out to the desert in order to then complete the journey back to Earth which has waited some 40 million years.