
May Recap 2019

I would say I don’t know how I only read three books this month, but honestly I’m SURPRISED I read even that many, so yeah. May was an incredibly busy and hectic month, but there were also a few moments of pure relaxation.

After celebrating our 5th anniversary in Salem/Rockport, MA, Tim and I spent Memorial Day weekend with friends up in Maine (see lovely view above). In between, I purchased a condo (WTF?!) which included a whirlwind 24 hour trip down to VA, and got a whole lot of crap done at work.

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February Recap 2019

February is such a short month. I kind of know where it went, but really I’m just kind of like alright this year is going to fly by let’s just embrace it. Or I could do like Tim and hide under his recently finished Christmas blanket I knit for him. (I’m thinking the latter, it’s a pretty comfy blanket!)

Now that I’ve finished all the 2018 Christmas presents I was working on (except for one last hat from left overs), I’ve started to work on a sweater for me. We’ll see how that goes. I didn’t read anywhere near as much this month as I’ve been wrapping up the knitting projects and I finally started watching Game of Thrones. I pushed through and got past the hurdle that kept stopping me and only have seven episodes left (AKA Season 7) to be fully caught up.

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Elite Eight

Eight. Years. That’s how long I’ve been blogging almost continuously.

I have written about every book I’ve read in the last seven of those eight years because that first year was a bit iffy. When was the last time any of us did anything for eight years? I guess school would qualify, but I got summers off with that. With the exception of a couple of unplanned hiatuses this has been going strong for EIGHT YEARS. [Don’t you love that nod to sports – I’m hip right?]

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August Recap 2017

I’m old, time flies and it’s getting faster. We’re 2/3 of the way done with 2017 and I’m still like but what about 2016. I’m not ready for 2018, but it’s coming at me like a freight train so I may as well get ready for it right?

I finally (five months later) got most of my office at work decorated and of course it was bookish themed, see photo above. I have one last blank wall I’m going to put travel detail photos on but I need to get them printed.

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ARC, Books

Book 516: Jane Austen: A Brief Life – Fiona Stafford

After being disappointed by the much hyped (by me internally at least) Jane Austen, the Secret Radical by Helena Kelly I looked elsewhere to nurse my mental wounds and found this lovely brief biography by Fiona Stafford. I reached out to the publisher for a copy as the book was recently re-released as part of Austen’s 200th death anniversary.*

I’ve surprisingly steered clear of nonfiction works concerning Austen (not really though because I like that she’s a bit of a mystery even with what we know about her. That being said I do have a few on my shelf that I plan to make my way through eventually. I’m not sure many, if any, will top this delightful read.

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