
September Recap 2014

2014 09-14 Sherman's Book Store Bar HarborThis was a crazy month. I completed five of my 30×30 list AND read five books. Most of the month surrounded my trip to Acadia. I know I did other stuff too, but my brain is absolutely drained.

The photo to the right, was an awesome snapshot I took while visiting Bar Harbor, Maine. I think what I was most impressed with is that there are no people other than the driver and it could really be any time period (except for the pram/stroller). It wasn’t my favorite book shop we visited, that was Mystery Cove and I didn’t get the chance to visit the Big Chicken Barn but I will go back up at some point!

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30x30, Personal Project

30 x 30: #16 – Reach 525 blog posts

2014 10-01 525 PostsWith my last blog post (back-dated to Monday), I’ve officially surpassed 50% of my 30×30 list! I may only be at 53%, but dammit I’m over 50% and that’s what matters!

I added this post to my list as I knew I would reach 500 not long after I kicked off my 30×30 list, but I also knew I wouldn’t make it to 1000 by December 21st and I wanted something blog related that wasn’t reading. Honestly, I’m still shocked I’ve reached 525 posts (over 550 if you include my posts on Now Entering Adulthood) and I’m really proud of it. As proud as I am about the post count, I’m more proud of what I’ve written about.

In the 525 posts I’ve written about over 300 books (304) and apparently 225 posts about random stuff including my 30×30 List, a couple of personal projects, Culture Corners, Workout Wednesdays and myriad other subjects I’m sure. Seriously, there’s no telling what I wrote about back in the days… Want to have fun, click this link and it will bring up a random post I’ve written since this blog started.


A College Entrance Essay #TBT

2014 09-03 A Long Time AgoI think it’s hilarious that I discovered this on Wednesday so this post just happens to be on a Thursday. I guess we’ll just say this is my first, and probably last, #throwbackthursday.

While cleaning up my computer’s hard drive I re-discovered a folder titled “HS.” I knew immediately what that was, but not what was in it. When I opened the folder I found only a few files, mostly college application related, and it made me feel so old and thus the photo.

I feel like the application process was so long ago, as long ago as the photo on the left, taken in 1988 a month before my fourth birthday. In reality, high school graduation was only eleven years ago and the photo on the right is from some time during my senior year.  I was so baby-faced! And I guess still am when I shave and have had a haircut recently—I was carded for a lottery ticket in the last six months! But that’s not what this is about. this is about what I found.

Click here to read the essay and my thoughts on it now!


August Recap 2014

2014 08-31 Shakespeare & Co PresentsWhat an exhausting month! I’m still not sure where summer has gone and I’m seriously struggling to believe it’s September 1st! It probably doesn’t help that the weather here in Boston has been a bit of a shit-show recently: down in the 60s last week and in the 90s most of this week, no thank you. There were other crazy things going on that I’m not able to talk about now, but suffice to say it was a super busy month.

On top of the strangely mixed weather, I’ve done a lot of blogging and working to expand my bookish empire! Muwhaahaahaahaa! I released the mini episode of my podcast, Come Read With Me, to get it on iTunes and just yesterday released the first FULL length episode where I talked with my friend Caroline about From Russia with Love. On top of that I read The Grapes of Wrath as part of my 30 x 30 list and did a lot of cultural things too!

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30 x 30: #14 – Read The Grapes of Wrath

2014 08-26 Falling Apart SteinbeckYAY! I’ve finally made more progress on my 30×30 list! I thought for sure, at this point it had fallen by the wayside and I’d pick up the pieces after December 21st, but THAT is why I included some reading related items on the list!

With the completion of John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, I am now 1/3 of the way through my list and SEVERELY behind! I should’ve been at this point at the end of June, I’m going to have to seriously pick up the pace! Thankfully, I’ve made progress on a few other and count probably cross them off in the near future (lying in the park, growing something from a bulb/seed, visiting Alie in VA, reach 525 blog posts), so it’s not like I’ve just been lounging around even though I have!

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