
Book 860: Obie is Man Enough – Schuyler Bailar

Book cover of "Obie is Man Enough" with Amazon Affiliate linkWhen I saw this on NetGalley I knew I was going to request it.* I remember the news stories of Bailar joining the Harvard University swim team and being the first trans athlete to compete on any NCAA D1 Men’s team and when I saw he wrote this I knew I wanted to read it.

The bulk of my LGBT reading is either MM Romance of some sort or nonfiction history/politics. There are a few Sapphic romances and a few with trans characters mixed in, but for the most part it’s not very diverse when it comes to reading the entire rainbow so I was super happy when the publisher approved my request!

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Book 691: The Sealed Letter – Emma Donoghue

"The Sealed Letter" book cover and Amazon Affiliate linkA few months ago I went through my bookshelves and made a couple of piles of books. The only qualifications were that they had to be on my shelves for a while (this has been on my shelves since April 2014) and that they probably be a quick read. This one falls somewhere in the middle of the pack of Donoghue’s books that I’ve read. It’s definitely not as good as Room or Slammerkin, but I do think it’s a little better than Hood, mostly because Donoghue really excels at historical fiction.

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