
Book 692: My Fair Brady – K.C. Wells

I’m not even going to lie to you, there are three (definitely, because they’re already queued up, but maybe four, maybe more) coming to you back to back. And I won’t even pretend that I didn’t pick them because of the eye candy on the cover, I mean that’s why they’re there right? (I will diversify if I keep going into the series though—promise.)

Apparently all I want to read are feel good stories with minimal conflict and the Dreamspun Desires imprint of Dreamspinner Press has apparently got me covered for at least 100 books. I can’t promise I won’t read all of them, but I can tell you I won’t read them all back-to-back at least 😀

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Book 683: The Gravity of Us – Phil Stamper

This was a good story. It’s probably better than I’m giving it credit for, but that’s the way it goes when you read a lot of books.

I’m not sure if it’s an across the board meh or just a meh for right now. I know this one will stick with me so maybe it’ll improve with time. I really enjoyed Cal (Jr.) and Leon’s story and adored the nerdiness of the whole work but most of it was overshadowed with the “realness” of the characters. And yes, I feel like a total ass saying I want less real characters.

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ARC, Books

Book 667: Firewall – Eugenia Lovett West

I’m not going to lie, when I read the first line of this one I got super nervous. The last time I read a book from a non-major publishing company that was set in Boston, I was VERY disappointed. So it was a good thing I was pleasantly surprised by this one—especially as it came from the same publicity company!*

Firewall is actually the third in the Emma Streat mystery series and I wouldn’t usually take on a book mid-series. However, West’s story of not getting published until she was in her 70s and then again in her 90s (Concord Monitor News) was intriguing and the blurb for this was just interesting enough to tempt me.

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Book 657: Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe – Melissa de la Cruz

Once again, the dangers of allowing me loose online or in a library result in me reading a random book I found while looking for something else specifically. Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve read this eventually—it’s a Jane Austen fan fiction/retelling/spinoff with reverse genders set at Christmas.

Honestly, I wasn’t even aware Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe existed, but since I found it on Overdrive I’ve found out that they made a Hallmark movie of it and you KNOW I will be watching that this coming curl up inside because it’s cold outside and watch questionable movies season.

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ARC, Books

Book 651: Sorted – Jackson Bird

I am always on board for reading anything from LGBTQ+ authors, but particularly nonfiction (memoirs, biographies, autobiographies, etc.). So when the publisher reached out about this one I downloaded it (and somehow actually got to it the week it was published).*

Overall, I really enjoyed this. I mean page one is a J.K. Rowling/Albus Dumbledore quote, of course I was going to enjoy this. I had no idea about Bird’s connection to Harry Potter (or that the Harry Potter Alliance, now known as Fandom Forward even existed)! This being said, I wasn’t totally enamored with the book and didn’t figure out why that was until roughly 80% of the way through the book.

Continue reading “Book 651: Sorted – Jackson Bird”