
Book 625: Bryan & Jase (Something About Him #1) – A.D. Ellis

SAY IT WITH ME NOW: “If I write a self-published novel I promise I will use a professional copy editor, use multiple beta-readers, and ctrl+f any asinine phrase that I may over use.”

Okay, now we can move on. I didn’t realize these were self-published when I purchased these (for $6) or I probably would not have purchased them. I was trying NOT to judge the books by their horrible covers and was drawn in by the blurbs.

As I was gearing up to read these I did a cursory Goodreads check and knew I was in for an experience and that’s part of what flagged for me these were self published.

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Book 624: Save the Date – Annabeth Albert & Wendy Qualls

So instead of taking a break after realizing I probably shouldn’t read six romance novels in a row by the same author I pick one up that they co-wrote. I really am a masochist right?

Well good news for me, this one took the best parts of Albert’s and Qualls’ writing and put them together. The bad news is that it basically was like and these two characters are crossovers from these three series (Quall’s Heart of the South – yay read it already, and Albert’s Out of Uniform and #Gaymers). Well guess what, On. My. List. Now. BWHAAHAAHAAA.

Continue reading “Book 624: Save the Date – Annabeth Albert & Wendy Qualls”


Book 623: Danced Close (Portland Heat #6) – Annabeth Albert

Of the six books in this series, this one is toward the bottom of my rankings. I’m not sure if there is anything specific about this book (full disclosure it could be my biases), but I think it has more to do with this being the sixth MM Romance I read by the same author in a very short time.

For me, this one felt like Albert had a checklist of what all haven’t I included in one of my MM Romance novels in this series yet? And when she looked at her list she realized she hadn’t written a HIV positive character or non-binary character and voila Danced Close.

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Book 622: Wrapped Together (Portland Heat #5) – Annabeth Albert

I think this is my favorite in the series. I’m not sure if it’s because of life-long friends becoming lovers, the twins marrying twins aspect, or the sheer adorkableness of snarky Hollis or the unsure cockiness of Sawyer.

This one falls into the same formulaic routine as the others (not a bad thing, just an observation), but because it’s Christmas themed and the two main characters have technically known each other for decades a lot of the get-to-know-you stuff happened off the page.

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Book 621: Knit Tight (Portland Heat #4) – Annabeth Albert

And now I’m FINALLY to the book that started this binge and it was worth the wait. I was going to use “weight” for yarn weight but thought it might work so you get this awkward follow up.

Albert takes her characters even further away from your standard white male could be mistaken for straight romcom lead. We have Brady, the bisexual barista taking care of his four siblings after his parents untimely deaths, and Ev, the yarn store owner’s dedicated nephew who has come back to Portland because she’s dying of cancer who was originally sent from his home in Turkey because he was caught making out with a male friend.

Continue reading “Book 621: Knit Tight (Portland Heat #4) – Annabeth Albert”