ARC, Books, Professional Development

Book 1,052: Supercommunicators – Charles Duhigg

I’ve read a few books by Charles Duhigg and in all honesty The Power of Habit, the first I read of his, was the best and the rest have felt like attempts to recapture the success that one had. That being said, when the publisher reached out with a copy of this one I said “Sure, why not?”*

I work in communications and I’m always interested in how others see it and what the latest trends/fads/ideas are. In reading this, I found that I do quite a few of the things Duhigg observes the best communicators do, so that was reassuring. Duhigg takes a look at communications from across all walks of life from FBI interviewees (both HR and interrogation), lawyers, simple spousal conversations, group interviews, jury proceedings, television shows, and so many other examples.

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Dear Authors and Book Bloggers

I’m going to re-post this. I recently received a series of emails from yet another ARC amalgamation site/processor who are charging authors to share their reviews. The emails are unprofessional (purple font and just poorly written) and the website is atrocious. I would not pay to have my book on their site. I will say they are honest in what they are trying to do, so not all of this applies, but seriously people come on.

Books, Professional Development

Book 535: Nudge – Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein

I’m really taking to heart all of the articles I read about the most successful people and I’m trying to read one nonfiction book that will teach me something every month this year. I just looked back on all my stats from the last year and I’ve averaged 16 nonfiction books a year.

I’m still not 100% sure what list I saw this on, but I picked up a copy back in August of 2016. It was probably when I started reading about the importance of mental acuity and keeping your mind sharp and constantly learning how to do new things. That or it was when I was dealing with some craziness at work and needed all the advice I could get! Pick any number of these professional development books and you’ll see what I mean, specifically those dealing with conflict.

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Dear Authors and Book Bloggers

I had no plans to blog today, but after an email I received sometime in the last 48 hours I wanted to get on my soapbox and write a little PSA. I’ll get back to semi-regular blogging with Stephen King’s The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower #1) on Monday.

I am not going to name and shame (Vlogger hotel scandal article Daily Mail link), but if you received the email you’ll know what I’m talking about. Please do not name and shame as that’s just more promotion for them. That is not the goal, this is just free advice for authors and bloggers so take it or leave it. I apologize for the length, click here for the TL;DR.

Dear Authors and Fellow Book Bloggers,

Authors, you want your books read, right? Bloggers we want our sites read, right? It’s natural—it’s why we do what we do.

Authors, you desperately want to write the next best-selling sensation and bloggers we all want to be the one to say: “I discovered that before it was big.” And we all want our names to be recognized, I get it. We’re all content creators, we’re all content consumers, we’re marketers through our books or our blogs, we’re all hustling to make an impact in the larger world. Why else would we be doing this so publicly?

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March Recap 2016

2016 03-27 Fancy New Work ShoesIt has been a LONG March. I recently announced to my workplace that I would be transitioning out for another job. I wrapped up a huge project (see video below). AND I am gearing up for my last week at my current job next week. Add in that I somehow read ten books and attended quite a few events, I’m impressed you’re getting any sort of wrap up at all.

As part of my new job I am going to have to dress nicer (if you know me, you’re probably wondering why in the hell I accepted knowing that) so I went out last weekend and bought some new swanky shoes (above is one pair) and three pair of nice pants that I still need to get tailored. It’ll be different that’s for sure, but I’m excited for the transition. Now on to the books!

Continue reading “March Recap 2016”