
Book 814: Better Be Sure (Harrison Campus #1) – Andy Gallo & Anyta Sunday

Book cover of "Better be Sure" with Amazon Affiliate linkI decided to grab this from Kindle Unlimited after seeing Gallo post about the fourth book in the series in Annabeth Albert’s Facebook group. I figured if she approved him to post she must’ve read some of his work  and enjoyed it. Add in that I’m desperately waiting for the next book in Sunday’s Love, Austen series and it was a no brainer.

For the most part, I enjoy campus-based MM romances, especially if it’s a nerd/jock romance. This one wasn’t a nerd/jock but a frat boy and townie which worked and I found it entertaining and a quick read.

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Book 810: Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf

Book cover of "Mrs. Dalloway" with Amazon Affiliate linkThis is the third time I’ve read this. I read it first in high school in my teens and HATED it. #obvi

I then read it in my early twenties in an intro to LGBT Literature course and tolerated it. The discussion was the most fascinating part and had a lot more to do with Woolf and her life than the novel itself, although there are plenty of scribbles I have in my copy about the story.

And now in my mid-30s, I won’t say I love it, but I definitely have a new appreciation for Woolf’s mastery of the craft as I re-read it. Some of the notes I scribbled reading it in undergrad definitely helped draw my attention to things and I picked up on a few more that I missed. And this is noting that my timing to read it was 100% wrong. This is NOT a pool book, I definitely fell asleep and got a slight sunburn because it’s a slow-paced dense book.

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Book 792: Hallucinating Foucault – Patricia Duncker

Book cover of "Hallucinating Foucault" with amazon affiliate linkI forgot how beautiful this novel is. That’s not surprising considering it’s been over a decade since I read it and I’m honestly not sure if this is my original copy or if I picked up a new one in the past few years. [Can now confirm this is my original – I brought it to Boston in December 2012.]

I remember when I first read this. I had spent a semester studying the history of sexuality in America and we read many passages from Michel Foucault’s The History of Sexuality and I was obsessed. Between it and the other readings we read that term, a whole new world around sexuality, gender identity, and philosophy had opened up to me. So, more than likely I typed Foucault into Amazon and this came up and I purchased it.

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Book 790: The God of Small Things – Arundhati Roy

Book cover of "The God of Small Things" with Amazon Affiliate linkOMG ya’ll, clearly, I should be judging the next Booker Prize. First Wolf Hall and now this, I get why they choose these beautiful books as winners. I’m only partially serious. I still think so many of the books are boring old stuffy books that are specifically chosen because of the inability of large swaths of the population to comprehend or appreciate them. So, boo on that.

All kidding aside, this was an incredibly beautifully written DEBUT novel. I was floored when I found that out. The way she wrote and the way time flowed eerily (and seamlessly) backward and forward in this novel it truly felt like a master class in novels. No wonder she won the prize—I’m definitely going to have to read her only other fictional work, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, at some point because everything else she’s written is nonfiction (what?!).

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Book 750: Darius the Great Is Not Okay (Darius the Great #1) – Adib Khorram

Book cover of "Darius the Great is Not Okay" with Amazon Affiliate linkAs I mentioned in my monthly recap I discovered this when Sarah from Sarah Reads Too Much sat on an awards committee of some sort and they really liked this one (can’t remember if it won or not). I added it to my list then, but when I saw her talk about the sequel I knew I needed to bring it forward on my list.

I thoroughly enjoyed my very slow read of this. I probably wouldn’t have read it this slow, but life got in the way. I read a chapter or two at a time over two-ish weeks and it allowed me to luxuriate in Khorram’s rich descriptions and characters.

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