
Book 762: The Extraordinaries (The Extraordinaries #1) – T.J. Klune

I think I found the natural successor to Perry Moore’s Hero. I honestly don’t remember that much about Hero, other than really loving it, but this definitely will stay with me longer.

I found this after someone blogged/Insta’d about Queer young adult books coming out in 2021 when the sequel, Flash Fire, will be released and it’s cover caught my attention so of course I looked into it saw there was a prequel and immediately requested it from this from the library.

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Book 759: The Problem with Mistletoe (Five Points Stories #1) – Kyle Baxter

I gave ample warning more were coming 😀

I stumbled across this one after finding this Goodreads list of MM Holiday Romances and so you know there is no going back at this point.

I started with this series (because of course it is) since it had the cute illustrated covers I’ve come to appreciate as I’ve read more mm romances this year. There’s something about being able to fill in your own details when the covers are illustrated. I mean sure, the chiseled abs are nice but let’s at least get some variety going!

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Book 758: Better Not Pout – Annabeth Albert

I grabbed this a few months ago when it went on sale and saved it for the holidays. I had every intention of waiting until December, but Thanksgiving happened and Lifetime/Hallmark movies started showing and I wanted more LGBT+ characters (I know there are a few this year but I haven’t had the chance to see them) and I remembered I had this one already so here we are.

The story starts off slower than many of Albert’s other works, but the characters are just as well written and the plot works for what it is. Nick, a beefy retiring military man, is cornered into volunteering with a local charity and meets Teddy, an over the top do-gooder, and fireworks don’t fly right away, but they slowly build until the grand finale.

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Book 757: Screens Apart – Charlie Novak

After finishing Strawberry Kisses rather than do the responsible thing and keep going down my galley list to the next nonfiction book I wanted to get done before the end of 2020, I sought out the book Novak mentions these characters made their first appearance.

SO responsible right? I at least enjoyed it, I’ll just have to remind myself that as I slog through those nonfiction works in the next few weeks.

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Book 754: The Friend Scheme – Cale Dietrich

I’ve honestly stopped keeping track of where I see books. I just add them to a list or request them at the library and then when they come in I read them and spend 10-15 minutes trying to find out where I found them. In essence, I have no clue where I saw this, but thank you to whoever put it on my radar.

If I’m honest, the cover art drew me to the book, I like the graphic identity and the clean lines and with both their eyes closed it just made it that much more pleasing to the eye. You can sort of read the stress in Matt’s posture (right) and Jason kind of looks above it all.

Continue reading “Book 754: The Friend Scheme – Cale Dietrich”