
Book 673: Fence Vol. 3 (Fence #3) – C.S. Pacat, Johanna the Mad, and Joana Lafuente

I wasn’t obsessively looking forward to this since I had issues with my timing of reading the first two volumes, but when I went to grab Go for it, Nakamura! from the library and saw this was available, I grabbed it too.

This picks up right where Fence, Vol. 2 left off and there’s no recap or anything as these were originally being released periodically and read as periodic comics. Like I said in the last review about the timing between Fence, Vol. 1 and Volume 2. I should’ve just waited and read them back-to-back. It would’ve been a more rewarding experience and I doubt I would’ve been quite so disappointed in this one.

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Book 672: Go for it, Nakamura! – Syundei


I could probably leave it at that, but since this is a blog and not just Twitter, I won’t.

Go for it, Nakamura! is a Japanese manga that’s on quite a few Best LGBT+ manga lists, so I thought I’d give it a try. I honestly wasn’t sure if it was going to be closer to My Brother’s Husband, Vol. 1 and My Brother’s Husband, Vol. 2 or more like Don’t Be Cruel #1 and #2 or #3 and #4. Thankfully, it was more like the latter, with no sex scenes (these are high school kids after all).

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Book 668: Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre – Glynnis Fawkes

I stumbled across this illustrated biography of Charlotte Brontë after one of my google alerts (“Boston” and “Brontë”) alerted me to this article in Seven Days, Vermont’s Independent Voice publication. I’ve been meaning to read an actual Brontë biography forever really, but specifically since the 2017 release of To Walk Invisible on PBS and my visit to the Parsonage in 2018.

I read The Mother of the Brontës last year which covered a good portion of this and some of the inspired works cover similar time periods because they were all so young. The downside of the Brontës and Austen are how short their lives were and we can only glean so much from the few letters and drafts of their works that exist, but there are instances where a little creative license and ingenuity can make these well known facts and situations seem new again. And that is the case with this Fawkes work.

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ARC, Books

Book 661: Poorlier Drawn Lines – Reza Farazmand

When the publisher reached out about this and a few other books, I recognized the style and remembered enjoying it, so selected this one as a light read between other books.* But the most miraculous thing is that I’m actually publishing this post the day the book comes out (November 19!). Usually, I’m weeks behind and struggling to catch up, but I guess with a book of comics you can meet any deadline 😀 This is a short review because it’s a pretty small collection (under 200 pages), but even shorter review: worth the read.

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Book 652: Bob’s Burgers: Char-Broiled (Bob’s Burgers #5) – Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington

Bringing the Bob’s Burgers comic adaptation to a close with issues 13-16, Bob’s Burgers: Char-broiled was kind of disappointing. I think there were other continuations through the free comic book day issues, but this was the last trade paperback anthology.
Continue reading “Book 652: Bob’s Burgers: Char-Broiled (Bob’s Burgers #5) – Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington”