
Book 903: Heartstopper, Vol. 2 (Heartstopper #2) – Alice Oseman

As soon as I finished Vol. 1, I immediately dove into Vol. 2! How could I not with a cliffhanger like that!? And I even knew what happened, but I couldn’t just leave it at that.

Seriously though, when Nick shows up in the pouring rain and Charlie just starts apologizing profusely because he thinks it’s his fault and it’s not and then . . . O . . . M . . . G . . . ALL THE FEELS.

I like that this book gives us a lot more of Nick’s thoughts and perspective. Vol. 1, really is Charlie’s book and his getting to know Nick and finding a friend who likes him for who he is and is willing to sacrifice things to be his friends. And Vol. 2 we see something similar where Charlie and Nick both have to start navigating the minefield that is their friendship and budding relationship.

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Book 902: Heartstopper, Vol. 1 (Heartstopper #1) – Alice Oseman

I decided with the release of the fourth volume in physical form this year to go back and re-read the series again. I probably should’ve waited until Volume 5, but oh well I didn’t.

Reading this again was like visiting an old friend. Oseman’s illustration style is so whimsical and she does so much with just a couple of blush lines on Charlie and Nick’s faces. I like how she plays with perspectives and as their relationship evolves so does the way she draws them because they’ve relaxed and started to show each other who they really are without fear or judgment.

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Book 809: Heartstopper, Vol. 3 (Heartstopper #3) – Alice Oseman

[Check out my updated (Feb 2022) response to Heartstopper Vol. 3 here.]

Well, my organized reading list has already been disrupted. I pre-ordered this back in December and didn’t really forget that I ordered it, but forgot when it was supposed to arrive. So, when it arrived while I was out of town last week I knew I couldn’t put off reading it—and frankly I’m impressed I lasted the four days I did!

These are so stinking adorable. I can’t believe I’ve managed to keep myself from finishing the series on the website, knowing it’s there! So, kudos to me for having some self-restraint in some part of my life 😀 If only I could figure out how to do that with food . . . I know for sure there’s at least one more, I’ve ordered it already, but I’m not sure how many more she’ll squeeze in between this and Solitaire.

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Book 780 & 781: Heartstopper, Vols. 1 & 2 (Heartstopper #1 & #2)- Alice Oseman

[Check out my Feb 2022 updated response to Vol 1. and my Feb 2022 updated response to Vol. 2.]

I’ve pretty much been waiting since last June to read this one. I absolutely adored Heartstopper, Vol. 1 and cannot wait for the next one this summer!

This post is a two-for-one as there was no way I could go into this without reading the first one again and they’re just so adorable. Really, this should be four-for-one because I read each twice because they’re so quick. I always read them once through focusing on the text and first impressions and then a second time focusing more on the graphics. And it’s worth it!

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Book 759: The Problem with Mistletoe (Five Points Stories #1) – Kyle Baxter

I gave ample warning more were coming 😀

I stumbled across this one after finding this Goodreads list of MM Holiday Romances and so you know there is no going back at this point.

I started with this series (because of course it is) since it had the cute illustrated covers I’ve come to appreciate as I’ve read more mm romances this year. There’s something about being able to fill in your own details when the covers are illustrated. I mean sure, the chiseled abs are nice but let’s at least get some variety going!

Continue reading “Book 759: The Problem with Mistletoe (Five Points Stories #1) – Kyle Baxter”