
Book 859: Subtle Blood (The Will Darling Adventures #3) – K.J. Charles

Book cover of "Subtle Blood" with Amazon Affiliate linkNow THIS is how you end a series! Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want it to end, especially after reading Charles’ short story “To Trust Man on His Oath” that takes place between this and The Sugared Game. The short story provided Will and Kim the much-needed space to discuss who they are separately and who they think they want to be together.

And, thankfully, I’ll get to visit with Will and Kim one last time when I finally Charles’ short story/epilogue “How Goes the World”. I just need to read Proper English and Think of England first which share a world with The Will Darling Adventures! (Oh no, more books to read :-D)

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Book 848: The Stolen Suitor (Clyde’s Corner #2) – Eli Easton

Book Cover of "The Stolen Suitor" with Amazon Affiliate linkSo, Easton can tell a story that’s NOT a MM Holiday Romance 😀 I mean, I knew this was true, she clearly has dozens of other works out there, but somehow the only two I’ve read from her were both Holiday Romances.

Going into this one my first instinct that Easton bit off more than she could chew with two parallel romances happening at the same time. I wasn’t 100% correct, but I do think there were some weaknesses in the book because she ultimately split the story line and there were so many subplots.

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Book 842: One Man Guy (One Man Guy #1) – Michael Barakiva

Book cover of "One Man Guy" with Amazon Affiliate linkI didn’t plan to read this in an afternoon, it just happened 😀 Started it on my lunch break and then just kept going.

At some point last year, I requested a copy of this via NetGalley but was either denied or never heard back and as I was cleaning up my account I saw it listed somewhere and was like “oh that one did sound interesting,” so I checked my library and they had a digital copy and here we are.

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Book 826: His Compass (His #2) – Con Riley

Cover art of "His Compass" with Amazon Affiliate linkI was a little surprised to find that there were already two additional books released in Con Riley’s His series. I read and adored His Horizon this time last year and had kept an eye out for the follow-ups, but either missed the review opportunity or totally spaced on them.

So, when I realized they were on Kindle Unlimited I grabbed both for this up-coming holiday and am glad I did. His Compass is the story of Captain Tom, who we briefly met in the first book and Nick, the seemingly wayward irresponsible deck hand who has his own backstory that provides the crises of the novel.

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Book 825: Say Yes to a Mess – Elle Brownlee

Cover art of "Say Yes to a Mess" with Amazon Affiliate linkI ended up grabbing this one after spending a bit of time looking for Two for Trust. I was really hoping to find it at the library so I could read it a year later and see if it held up as the OMG SQUEEEEEE I remember. When I couldn’t find it, I figured I may as well try another one by Brownlee since I enjoyed most of hers I’ve read.

This is Wiley’s story. He had to move back to his hometown when his grandmother got ill and he never left and all of a sudden his childhood best friend, Kit, and his reality tv show with his brother, Holt, are returning to town to film a special episode. Well Holt decides to pretend Wiley is his fiancé and it’s their wedding episode the brothers are there to film.

Continue reading “Book 825: Say Yes to a Mess – Elle Brownlee”